🤍🌹White roses🌹🤍

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Dedicated to LET. L

Roses of all sorts of colours surrounded the whole field
But one caught my eyes
As it outshines the rest
A beautiful white rose
Nurtured with love and care
As she grows with empathy and grace
Shining with confidence
Her beauty sparks with intelligence
As she motivates others with leadership skills
Unaware of the future
The endless opportunities disguised as hardship of life
A blooming flower, unique as a rare diamond
As she flourishes with gifted talents
Pride her parents hold for her
As they are a motivate for her keep on working hard
Leaving a marvelous and impressive mark
Helping others brings so much joy
As she hopes in the future her career choice will take her to wonderful places
As life goes on, I hope you stay safe
My beautiful white rose.

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