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That one word everyone despises
They say life is a beautiful lie
But death is an ugly truth everyone hates
It's hard to accept one's death
We all know we will go through the same thing in future
As it always brings tears and this deafening pain
Our loved ones gone and buried beneath the soil
Some have reached the afterlife
While some are left roam on earth
The lost souls on earth yearn to be in the afterlife
Yet they are left to roam and haunt their victims
Those who have died
Just to leave their disastrous life
The reaper has granted them a wish no one expects
Unnoticed by the naked eye
As one's soul reaches out to their peaceful wish
They curse the reaper for taking away a beautiful life
He comes when time comes to the end
Yet some of the souls he takes have millennials of life
As suicide was their only solution to end their suffering
I wished for the reaper to take me along
But I guess it wasn't my time to say goodbye.

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