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"BANG BANG BANG!" pistol shot heard around a secluded lot in the city of Montreal.

"You messed with the wrong person man!"

Another shot was produced. The man in his 40's growl in pain almost spitting blood.

"Where's my money! This will be the last chance for you stupid."

The man plead, trying to get up. "B—boss. I-ii'm soo..sorry. the money.. I can't give it yet to you give me some time". *nervously speaking.

"WTF! Are you kidding me? You want me to kill your whole clan???!!" kick the man out of anger.

"Please I'm begging you bo-ss. Give me chaa-nce. Please don't hurt my family. I only have my daughter with me". *crying in pain.

The Boss smirk. "Oh you have a daughter? hmm. I wonder how old is she?"

"Boss please she's only turning 19. She's pure innocent. Please not my daughter." *kneel in front of his boss.

"Do you want to die?" *boss asked grinning.

"No b-boss. Please spare my life."

"Then bring back my money, I'll spare yours." *smirk.

"Bu-but boss I don't have the money yet." I can't..*cut off

"Give me your daughter then. As your payment." *grin.

"No..Noooo please boss not my daughter. Please boss. * crying, beseeching, begging more to the Mafia Boss.

"You're wasting too much of my time. If you want your life, bring my money back or give me your daughter! Don't make me repeat myself again. Choose now!" *angrily said then put the pistol to the man's forehead.


"Oka-okaaay boss I'll give my daughter." *answer frustratedly.

"I want her asap!you understand? I'm not willing to wait for long!"

"She-she's in korea. I have to talk to her first" *struggling voice.

"Two days. I'll give you two days. If you can't bring her here I'm the one getting her. By hook or by crook." *smirk.

The man gulp and feel scared for her daughter. Realization hits him. He should not have do it, but it's for her daughter's sake and future. Now it's a mess.

"Oookay boss. Thank you for another life." *kneeling then bows down.

The night became quiet as if no storm had emerged.

a/n: how's chapter 1? sorry if its too short. next chapters will be longer i guess.hehe

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