°Chapter : 10°

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Jihoon and hyunsuk were down in the rest area while mashiho and junkyu were attending lectures.

Jihoon: where is doyoung? He doesn't have any lectures right now.

Hyunsuk: concerned?

Jihoon: h-huh?! Why would I be?

Hyunsuk: woah why are you getting so worked up? Obviously you'd get worked up if your childhood friend isn't with you!

Jihoon: o-oh...yeah

Jihoon: childhood friend...that's right...that's what he is supposed to mean to me...yet I...

Hyunsuk: but I'm not sure. I guess he's still asleep. Usually he wakes up late anyway.

This was true, but for some reason jihoon missed him.

Jihoon: well I hope he wakes up soon.

He mumbled, but hyunsuk heard. He looked at him with a smug look, which jihoon didn't notice.

It was already half past twelve and doyoung was still asleep.

Jihoon: okay now we should actually check up on him.

Hyunsuk: wait what if he has a lecture?

Jihoon: he doesn't, hyung.

Before they could continue their conversation, they heard footsteps, as doyoung walked up to them and sat on the couch.

Hyunsuk: that's unsual, doyoung. You wake up late on days you don't have lectures but not THIS late. Your jihoon hyung over here was really worried about you.

Jihoon smacked hyunsuk's thigh.

Doyoung: haha yeah...I felt really tired I guess.

Doyoung sat there for a while. Until he got up.

Doyoung: ah! I haven't washed my dishes yet! I'll be back.

Hyunsuk: sure.

Doyoung left hyunsuk and jihoon watching TV as he went into the kitchen. It was peaceful. Until jihoon and hyunsuk heard a loud crash.

They both looked at each other, startled and worried. They instantly got up and rushed to the kitchen to find a fainted doyoung on the floor, with a cracked plate beside him.

Jihoon: doyoung-ah!

Doyoung was breathing heavily and sweating buckets.

Hyunsuk: he's burning up!

Jihoon: hyung, clean this mess so no one gets hurt. I'll carry doyoung to his room.

Hyunsuk listened at once, as jihoon picked doyoung up princess-style and walked out of the kitchen.

He looked at doyoung, who clearly had a fever.

Jihoon: my poor baby, hang in there. Why are you so light?

Jihoon felt his heart sink as he saw doyoung in such a poor state.

He reached doyoung's room and placed him on his bed. He turned off the A/C and made sure doyoung wasn't covered with the blanket so his sweat would evaporate and his temperature would come down.

Jihoon ran downstairs to find the mess already cleaned up by hyunsuk.

Hyunsuk: I'll go check his temperature.

Jihoon: yeah I'll prepare a cold compression (A/N: this is when you dip a towel or cloth in cold water and place it on a sick person's forehead to allow more sweat to evaporate.)

Jihoon went upstairs with a tub and towel in hand, as hyunsuk checked his temperature.

Hyunsuk: it's high.

They both looked concerned, as jihoon proceeded with the cold compression.

The whole day, hyunsuk and jihoon stayed beside doyoung. They made lunch and made him sit straight occassionally to feed him and then give him medicine.

Meanwhile junkyu and mashiho came back from the lectures. They walked upstairs to keep their bags in their respective rooms when they saw doyoung's room door open. They entered to find doyoung lying on the bed with hyunsuk and jihoon beside him, clearly unwell.

Junkyu and mashiho rushed to him.

Junkyu: oh no! What happened?

Hyunsuk: he has a fever. But it's alright. We have taken care of it. He should feel better in a couple hours. You both go change.

The whole day and night, they took turns being beside doyoung, majority of which was done by jihoon as he refused for help and stubbornly decided to stay beside doyoung.

Hyunsuk: there's no helping it. But whenever you feel tired, call any one of us.

Jihoon: yeah, yeah hyung.

Hyunsuk smiled and patted his back, as he exited the room with mashiho and junkyu.

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