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Alpha's palace.
                            Xander walks in Oden's room finding the boy already dressed sitting on his bed quite afraid of the next step, too much has happened to him in one night, now he has to shoulder responsibilities that weren't his to begin with. "Are you okay?" Oden lifts his head to meet the owner of the voice leaning on his door. "I'd like to say I understand you but I can't pretend I am okay cause am not." "I'd also like to say I understand you but I am not in your shoes I don't know how you feel." "Everything is happening so fast in so little time. Am not scared of losing this battle I am just afraid that I will have to face Eden as my opponent, the brother that took care of me all my life." Xander pats his back sitting next to him,"There is a lot to taking his place but it's not going to compare to the feeling you'll have when you have to make the one choice that is always chosen for you, you  have to make the one choice that is always chosen for you. The people over your brother." Oden glares at his father as the Statement angers him. Never in his lifetime has he ever thought of the kingdom. This kingdom this crown it takes so much as it gives. What it gives is worthless compared to what it takes. This kingdom once took his mother, his father then Eden and Oriela, why should he bow down to it's requests?   "Sure that makes everything easy. You may term me as selfish but some choices the universe throws at us are not always right. I'll pull him back. Mother didn't give up on him. The Bloodhound is not going to force me to kill my brother. I am not heartless that I'll have to choose Eden over the millions I don't know, it's either both of them or none."he states  getting out of his room and straight to the black vehicle awaiting them for the morning meeting. "You'll be a great king one day just like your mother you will rule with what you term as right."

Omegan palace.
                         "Are you okay?" Griselda asks her daughter as her eyes flutter open from her long exhausting sleep. She takes off the wet towel on her forehead and feels her head happy that her temperature has gone down. "How do you feel?" "Like a truck just ran over me." "I guess I'll have you stay here until your fully recovered. Hemlda will watch over you I need to go back to the meeting." Oriela nods as Griselda kisses her forehead and leaves the room. Oriela struggles to sit up looking out her window seeing the new day's sun rays shinning bright into her room, a rush of happiness goes through her finally the hell was over well not all of it but at least part of it . "I guess fate is done playing games with us, the Ora is with Oden." She says wanting it to stick, this meant a lot for them both, the universe dragged their love through hills, valleys, rivers, oceans and fire only to bring it back to them. Patience is truly a virtue even if they had given up on it.

At claw academy.
                                     Minutes turned hours, hours turned to days and days turned to weeks, weeks to months and months to a year finally Jason gets to say goodbye to the school that prepared him for the world."This is what freedom feels like." the boy says happily joining his father in their car. "If by freedom you mean jumping into another cell then yes this is what freedom feels like." Jason rolls his eyes at his father's negativity. "You are so weird, How am I jumping in to another cell? I am free from wearing uniforms, following rules to the letter saying yes to every guardian that asks you to carry out stupid little favors for them. Mr H was always like  'My child would you mind carrying this books for me.' When clearly your face is screaming no I don't want to carry those books for you sir." Devon could not help but laugh at the vivid complaints his son mumbles while watching his facial expression change to suit every word. "That is what you call prison. Life outside is worse my boy. You are now joining the big world where problems are your everyday reminder to get up in the morning not that weak ass alarm, when responsibilities come before fun and most importantly you still have to follow laws to the letter or you get to greet the famous dungeon cells not a simple punishment like detention." Devon says mimicking  his son making Jason glare at his truth. As if he needed to be reminded of his soon to be life all he wanted was to rest and breath in fresh freedom air for a couple of hours before waking up to 'sir Jason you have a meeting at exactly twelve noon.' Of course not, not now, right now he needs to stay calm and be at peace get it universe, peace."We'll need to stop by the pack house for a couple of hours I have an important meeting." "But daaad."
"Don't but daaad me you insisted on this early morning trip, it's either that or I can turn this car around and drop you off at your beloved howls night." Teases Devon. "You are wicked." Devon smirks at his victory as his son throws him the dead eye look all the way to their destination.

THE  NEW WORLD IN THE BLOODY WAR CONTINUES.5🐺☑️ Complete And EditedWhere stories live. Discover now