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Uniting ceremony.
"It's time son." Xander says awaiting Oden at his door. The two make their way downstairs where khalifa and Valvida were waiting patiently. Valvida walks up to him and hugs him like the mother she has always been to him with love and concern. "Everything will be okay." Oden nods as they release letting khalifa take his turn and once the two let go Xander and Oden leave for the sacred forest. "Where are the others?" "They wanted to meet at the forest because with all the leaving tomorrow staying with family is more important." "Are they moving or still taking their time?" "They are moving and we are going to be late." The two get in their black awaiting vehicle and leave the premises.

The two walk out of their vehicle so do the other elders. The large group moves towards the clearing meeting the Oracle and the other two protectors wizard and Mercila, it was a whole party. Oden and Oriela present themselves at the alter as the Oracle mumbles a spell over to Oriela who cuts open her palm letting blood flow in the bowl and then hands it over to Oden who does the same. At least this time she didn't have to be forced to do it making the whole experience easier to accept. Once they were done the Oracle passes his hand over to the bowl turning the colourless water to bloody red he hands the crimson red liquid to Oden who drinks it and then passes it over to a hesitant Oriela who still has PTSD over the last time she did the ritual, how things turned upside down and the painful taste of the Bloodhound's poison. "Oriela! It's okay am here." Oden calls out covering her small left hand with his own hoping to bring her back from the trance which it does and she completes the task putting a smile on everybody's face.

The elders move forward and so does the king and queen forming a circle lifting their hands and as their eyes turn into a fiery orange and emerald green respectively. A beautiful golden halo is released going towards the two Ora's as a sign of unison of both kingdoms making Oriela's and Oden's eyes turn to nice golden yellow glow. They could feel each other on an atomic level. Their thoughts were sync and they could feel each others emotions plus a rush of energy like they were two wolves in one body, it was amazing like having winter hot soup on a cold day or summer cold ice on a hot day. Refreshing and rejuvenating those words exactly.

"The unison of the two kingdoms and the Ora is sealed." The Oracle announces as the elders drop their hands their eye colour going back to normal."Now your thoughts, emotions and physical pain is going to be felt and heard by the other. You are one and more powerful than before. This fight will end with both of you." After the unison and a couple of words from the Oracle allows them to leave premises and head straight home to prepare for the journey that awaits them. Finding the dragon king.
The two look at each happy they are finally happy and together as they head on home.

"Aaaaaah!" The prince of evil screams out as a tearing pain goes through his chest from an unknown source. The appearance of a strange cut was enough to set him off but the blood that followed trickling down his chin from his mouth alarmed him. Something was going on. "They have united AaAAa t-those b-bastards." Kyla and John alerted run towards the screaming male seeing him buckled down on the ground blood around his chest area and mouth.

"It hurts so bad." He complains as John and Kyla try holding him down. "What is happening?" Kyla asks helping to sit back on their improvised bed. "They are bonding. I can see that accursed light floating everywhere like fairy dust in the spring fields. Damn it!!" The stabbing pain goes through him again this time across his abdomen tinting John's hand that is supporting him by his stomach with his blood. Upon seeing this the two henchmen struggle to push him down the bed, sweat forming on his forehead, gliding down his face as his temperature rises, his skin hotter than fire. "I need to find them and kill them." "No what you need to do is rest first, you are not doing good and your army cannot be led by an ailing leader." John commands while struggling to hold him down. "Can't you see how vulnerable you are, if you go out there you will be the one ending up dead and you won't comeback because you are bonded to Eden." That Statement makes the struggling man stop and he lays down staring at the rocky ceiling. he is right he can't fight now he needs to regain his power and when he does he shall reign fire to his victims, starting with the elders and then his brother. "You will cry tears of blood Oden I promise."

THE  NEW WORLD IN THE BLOODY WAR CONTINUES.5🐺☑️ Complete And EditedWhere stories live. Discover now