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                           Hours pass by slower than intended the group sits restless in the dark dump dungeon waiting as the once dull sky darkens even more. The stars take place forming their patterns on the once clear sky, the moon at it's first quarter illuminating it's not so bright light at the a single small square shaped opening barred to keep prisoners from attempting an escape. "Rise and shine my darlings,
how is your stay at the wonderful vampire dungeons. Is it to your comfort." Leonard's annoying voice fills the once quiet cell grabbing everyone's attention. "We are doing well, better if you ask me." sarcastic as ever Arthur replies adjusting his sitting posture to a way leaned back letting the wall support his body as a sign of rebellion to the vampire prince. "I'll be damned if I let you stay comfortable here but even so I ended up giving you the best room in the dungeons. We call it V.I.P."
"This is V.I.P to you." Jason whispers to himself unfortunately not too quiet for Leonard to miss. "You should see where they keep the trolls that sneak into our territory." "When are you getting us out of here not that am complaining." Oden demands the urgency to get off the vamps land and complete their mission reminding him of what's at stake if they stay here one more day. "Two more hours, midnight to be exact. Don't worry I'll  keep my word." "I don't think that's enough judging by the fact that we are in here and You are out there. We don't have an insurance policy." Thecla states annoyed at the sudden turn of events. If this is the help she called for listening to Arthur was a better option. It was fighting their way in than getting handed over like a bunch of prisoners to the king. "Yeah well I could give you my head while my body makes the arrangements but too bad cause I need it." Leonard teases making Thecla force a fake smile at his dry dark joke and forces her nails into her palm reminding herself to keep in check. Small spaces with anxious wolves not a cocktail you would like served to you. Done with his fun for the night Leonard leaves the dungeons letting the were wolves lose themselves in their dilemma of waiting. "If this is just the beginning can you imagine how many Leonard's we are going to face along our way." Arthur exclaims.

Palace living room.
                         Velma hangs up at the sudden phone call turning to spot her brother in a good mood super speeding to his favorite seat in the living room in need of rest. All his enemies fit in one tight space box. This is worth the surprise. "They are so annoying, ungrateful little mutts... Velma why is your complexion more paper white than normal?" She stands still staring at the wall like a zombie with no reaction until an action takes place. Leonard stands from his comfort shaking her up. "Velma!!"he shouts arising her from the shock in her body. "Um, bad news brother, dad is coming." "When?" "Tonight." "Why the sudden change of plans?" "Word got out we captured a bunch of werewolves were roaming in our territory and one of them is the prince of the Alpha's. You can imagine the happiness in his voice when he said 'OH! My I can't wait to sink my teeth in him to serve as an example to his father.' " Velma reports mimicking their evil father as it was the moment for such hubris. The two stare at each other as if trying to claw answers from each others eyes. This was in deed a problem, how do you hide seven wolves in a city full of vampires.

"What are you going to do?" Leonard asks sinking further into the black leather seat clearly not ready to participate any further he already had enough anxiety in a day anymore and he might as well serve himself to Drakallion. "What do you mean 'what am I going to do?' you are with me in this." "Yeah sure drag me in your mess. I am not doing the hero routine again that spandex doesn't fit me. I am not the one who insisted on 'Oh! Save the endangered species.' " he mimicks as he pretends to shut his eyes leaving his sister in her own deep shit. Two things were clear as day to Velma, one she could not do this alone. Two, she could not do this alone. So whether her brother liked it or not he was going to pull some of that dead weight he has been carrying around when it comes to protecting her. "Leonard! Leonard! Stop pretending, I know you can hear me." She calls out shaking her brother's body getting a very deadly glare from the boy. "What? I don't want to go deeper in this unorganized plan of yours. This are the results of what I warned you is to come. Why did you even volunteer to be the angel on their shoulder? Why do you want to leave this world so much? It's your HOME!!" "HOME?! You call this a home? All our lives being controlled and forced to do things we don't want to do." "It's better than going somewhere different that's for sure. He will find you wherever you go." "I know you also want to get away from him. He is not our father, he is nothing but a by stander, a ruthless murderer, a disgusting whore. I am tired of breathing the same air as HIM!!" She shouts tears falling out of her eyes as her breathing increases, her body shaking uncontrollably worrying Leonard who runs up to her catching her before she could fall on to the dark marble floor, this is a look he has seen on her face several years ago, a look he has hated to see. That panic driven stare as memories fill her mind from the darkest part of her world. "What did he do to you?" She lifts her hand putting it at his right temple letting him take it in his allowing a telepathic effect to surge through him, allowing him to visualize images of her memories. In the images he could see motions, visions of her past in her own eyes.

THE  NEW WORLD IN THE BLOODY WAR CONTINUES.5🐺☑️ Complete And EditedWhere stories live. Discover now