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                              Kyla and John follow the queen as she walks through the snowy kingdom of the Omegan lands. With each step she takes through the snow it melts leaving behind her orange footprints as her long scarlet red gown surrounded by burning flames sweep the snow, her red eyes darting from corner to corner proud to see the people left behind bow before her. "Hmm, it's cute how fear controls the world, when you learn it's art and how to use it you also get control over those with the greatest authority, you become the true controller and everyone around you forces themselves to follow every command you utter and why? They are afraid of you and what you can do." "Yes, ma'am." "I prefer your highly greatness." Her smile could be termed as beautiful if behind that joy  was not that of the violence and the happiness the destruction of the world gives her. She suddenly halts her movement and stretches out her hand to the houses in front of her.  Her frown turning into a smile as she  tosses fire balls around them creating large flames letting them engulf the houses and people. "Well that was inappropriate but temperatures were dropping I needed some heat. If only people could die quietly but let them scream it's music in my ears." Proud of her evil act, she glorifies herself. She was so preoccupied with what she was doing that a slight tap turned to a heavy blow beneath her, her eyes avert to the direction of the short quick pain of a small punch only to spot a young boy, estimating around six years old by his size. "You are a bad person." She slowly lowers herself so that she could reach the boy's eyes."You are feisty one. I am sorry, I am sorry that I am a beast, the world makes you that way. We all started of innocent but when you get older the darkness engulfs you and that rainbow painted world by mommy and daddy is only a fairy tale and all you see are those that destroy the you that you were and make you in the image of the very monster under your bed. You may not understand now but I will do you a favor and allow you to never learn about this cruel world." her left hand stretches towards the boys cheeks with the palm letting the heat of her fingers engulf the small boy in flames. His body slowly melting, bone and muscle to coal then to ashes and the cold wind cleans it off carrying his ashes to the sky. "I am not here to show mercy nor weakness." "Yes your greatness." John bows to the terrifying figure. The three continue walking through the burning flames to continue causing the anguish and pain with every step, preaching pain to the choir.

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Thecla's passage way.
                                    Thecla keeps on staggering as she quietly follows the ghostly figure tripping a couple of times over some rocks in the darkness but still determined to reach the unknown destination. "I can't, I am tired of this. Where are you taking me?" Suddenly the figure also stops and looks at Thecla a smirk plastered on it's face as her eyes darkens. "A couple of more steps Thecla just a couple more." The voice not one but combined of many spirit like echoes in her brain continuously chanting for her to proceed. "No! I won't, I can't!" "Just a couple more." They insist but Thecla doesn't move instead she falls on her knees shaking her head in refusal."No! I don't want to, I don't want to, leave me alone Go away." Instead of them leaving her alone as requested the voices grow louder and louder and the more she struggled the more they weighed her down. The louder they got the harder it got for her to distinguish between reality and fake imagination. "I don't want to..... I want to."

THE  NEW WORLD IN THE BLOODY WAR CONTINUES.5🐺☑️ Complete And EditedWhere stories live. Discover now