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                             On the smooth cold grey floor slithers a white yellow spotted ten foot reptile making it's way towards Olivia's bed, it's head lifts off the ground able to level with the blonde blue highlighted haired female, the colour showing up since her new power. It's split tongue hanging out vibrating everytime it moves out of it's wide mouth tasting the air for any changes enjoying the warmth around. Olivia turns enjoying the warmth of the bed facing the direction of the cold blooded creature giving the creature space to slither in her bed, the action making the poor girl shiver due to the cold reptile forcing her to move around and  gather warmth but the more she moves the more the more the creature moves closer to her body forcing the girl's eyes to flip open. Annoyed by the disturbance she slowly opens her blanket wanting to finding the chilling sensation around her abdomen spotting the colourful large snake coiled inside.

"AAAAAAH!" Her loud piercing scream wakes the whole crew up in search for the disturbance set up by the blonde seeing her in distress as she struggles to get of her bed while still getting muddled by her blankets. "Olivia sleep is important if we need to fun...." "Shut up Arthur." "What the actual Fuck!" Thecla joins in the shouting seeing the scaly yellow creature sliding in the bed trying to hide itself from the groups view. "What is wrong?" Jay inquires rushing in the guest room but awoken by Olivia's scream. "Slither get off the bed what is wrong with you?" The yellow white spotted snake just laughs, the scene is disturbingly disgusting trust me, making the group gag. "Oh! you should have seen your face, priceless." It continues laughing as it slithers to the floor transforming into it's human form.

"I thought you said they were wolves, they look more like pups to me, scared pups." He mocks flipping his white afro hair jabbing a comb in it just how he likes it, his green split eyes darting around the room looking at the different people in the group enjoying the different powerful aura he was getting from the so called pups. But there was one in particular he found interesting the blonde girl whose morning he ruined. She looked cold felt cold even but was so warm.

"Am sorry princess I didn't mean to scare you." He says grabbing her hand and kissing the back of it like a true gentleman yet instead of the scene making Olivia blush it made her want to vomit her dinner as she felt the split tongue touch her hand. "You are utterly the most disgusting thing I have ever seen now let go of my hand before I claw your face out ." Olivia commands as she pulls out her hand from the smirking snake man. "Why is the princess so mad? Am quite handsome in this form I hear." "If princess is your kink you have three of them." She says grabbing Oriela from Oden handing her over to the male snake. The action gets her a glare from Oden as he takes back his princess holding her tightly far from the annoying blabbing creature. "Am sorry about his ass, Slither here happens to be my brother." "At your service ladies and gentlemen." He says bowing. "Are there any more of you or is this the end of the surprise?" Arthur questions hoping he has seen the end of snakes swarming in his life. "Behind you." A new voice echoes in the room sending chills through Arthur's spine watching a long green snake crawls on the floor towards his brother's. "I guesssss I came early for breakfast, it'sssss not even prepared." Wait did he refer to them, THEM!! The vampires and mermaids did not even want to have them for lunch so fighting that crowd was more of defending their freedom, this one's over here want them to fight for their actual lives.

"I am beginning to think we should get out of here." "I second that motion." Olivia supports as she walks towards her things tired of the cold slithering smiling reptiles. "Exactly and that's why we are here princess." Slither states as he makes his way towards the door followed by his green snake brother who was now human."Tell your brother to STOP CALLING ME PRINCESS!!!"shouts Olivia her eyes flashing an icy sea blue scaring not just the brothers but the rest of the group. "I don't think she likes it. By the way am Fang."

THE  NEW WORLD IN THE BLOODY WAR CONTINUES.5🐺☑️ Complete And EditedWhere stories live. Discover now