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                                            The calm wet jungle, the scent of dew filling up their noses as they arrive at their new location clearly Screamed welcome to snakes jungle, a vast land made of nothing but trees, from soft woods to a couple of hard woods and the thick bushes and long vines, a new world with unique noises blending together from different birds, insects and what sounded like monkeys. It was calm, serene, green very green, beautiful.

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"What a um, it looks like a cow vomited after getting overfed?" Jason states while looking around getting a heavy questionable look from the group."Okay let's um get over that. It looks a bit quiet and the evening won't allow us to go far let's camp here for the night." Oden states. The group all take one different tasks to get camp set up as fast as possible. Arthur and Jayden gather up some fallen logs letting Oden and Oriela dry them with their Oras fire a newer effect from their combined new look while Leonard and Jason helped the girls with the  single huge tent Devon forced on his son. His father had been there before on a mission so there was no need to object his wisdom when he started packing it without his permission.

                            After a long tiresome preparation the group sits around the fire dressed warmly. Oriela and Thecla share their coats with Velma and Violet knowing the fact that the two girls barely had time to pack anything. Leonard on the other hand refused Oden's offer of a warm jacket stating vampires didn't need the heat only to accept it later when the mosquitos found him delicious. They were all tired and bored out of their minds fear lingering in their head of what they'll have to face tomorrow once the sun rises. Two kingdoms, they have been to two kingdoms and left each with blood in their hands, they were getting done with all the fighting. At least the night sky was not only filled with stars but also the half moon shinning down on them giving the wolves a glimpse of why the Luna was so beautiful. "Okay are we seriously going to stay quiet all night staring at this fire as if it is the most interesting thing in the world Arthur where are those lame jokes you throw in now and then." Olivia complains pissing off the boy. Why call them lame when she is asking for it. "They are not jokes it is the art of sarcasm....." "An art of a monkey's butt. Anyway let's play 'Behind the mask'." "What lame game is that?" Velma scoffs throwing one of the sticks next to her in the fire. "Mrs. Attitude can you not ruin the game even before it begins,thank you. Soo Whose in." "What is it about?" Leonard inquires looking quite interested."It's a game we normally play when someone new comes to school or when we went for a school trip, it kept things interesting. It's all about unmasking identity and getting to know each other more, for example secrets, traumas, likes and dislikes." Thelma explains also wanting to join in. "We might as well do something with our time here." Jayden agrees "I'll start." Jason puts up his hand as if in a classroom getting a cute smile from the rest and a nod in favor.

THE  NEW WORLD IN THE BLOODY WAR CONTINUES.5🐺☑️ Complete And EditedWhere stories live. Discover now