Puppets File

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Scp File: SCP Category 284 Subject #006
Nickname/Alias: Puppet
Status: Escaped, Potential Asset

Subject was held in a 5×6 cell with a music box before escape, and has since been unheard of outside the facility. The subject seems to have the power to manipulate or perhaps even control the other subjects of this category, although the cause of this remains unknown. Replaying capture logs....


SCP Agent: So uhh, we've been getting reports of strange noises coming from this area, so they've sent me to check it out...

The Agent walks inside of the building, getting out his tazer

SCP Agent: Well, everything seems normal, I'll scout the place and report back to base.

Agent walks along the wide hallways, and the entrance doors shut abruptly

SCP Agent: Holy [REDACTED], that scared me- anyways, we're almost done scouting the area, and my log hasn't picked up a presence yet..

Agent walks through the hallways and loops back around to the main lobby

SCP Agent: Well, it seems we have no presence in the area, I'll go back to headquarters and-

Agent gets cut off and a corpse falls through the roof and right in front of the agent, slowly rotting away, it's skeleton almost showing


The Agent stumbles back and almost immediately vomits, falling to the ground

SCP Agent: Is that a kid?...

The agent gets interrupted again as the subject bursts through the doors, a strange white light filling the room


The agent quickly lifts his tazer and fires at the subject, who knocks it aside and rushes at the agent


Command: Loud and clear, Agent. Do not eliminate the subject, you must capture it at all costs.

The subject lashes out at the agent but he blocks and manages to push it aside

SCP Agent: Copy that

The subject rushes at the agent again and sends him stunbling backwards, nearly impaling him on a pole

Agent quickly gets up and tackles the subject, breaking one of its arms.

The subject seemingly emits screeching sounds before grabbing the agent and stabbing him with its free arm

The agent stumbles back and quickly pulls out his gun, shooting at a loose piece of debris above the subject

Command: Hello, agent are you there?

The debris falls onto the subject, pinning it to the ground


Subject was transported to the facility after a backup team soon arrived at the scene. The agent shortly died at the hospital from his wounds, autopsy pending. Accessing interrogation logs..


Interrogator walks in and takes a seat across from the subject, who's staring back at him.

Subject: I don't hate you, but if you don't let me go, I'll make you pay...

Interrogator: You brought the others to life, well that's what they say.. so how did you all end up like this?

The subject sighs, leaning over and glitching for a moment

Subject: There's no point in trying to get answers from me, so why don't you take your little survey downstairs to William.. or as you call him, Subject #022.

Interrogator: That's not your concern, now answer the question.

Subject: ...you're right, it isn't my concern. I have one for you though.

Interrogator sighs and leans back

Interrogator: And what would that be?

Subject: Whether you live or die of course.

Subject #005: Indeed

Interrogator quickly turns around and attempts to swing tazer stick at Subject #005 before it blocks it and snaps the agents neck.

Subject: ...Hello Cassidy

Subject #005: They're coming..

Subject #005 fades back into the wall as the Subject #006 crashes through the vents and escapes


Three initial teams mobilized and sent to look for subject, search ongoing. Vent systems removed for all cells and Subject #005 returned to it's cell, before being placed in a more secure one.

Audio Log found at site where the subject was first captured by agent, retrieving and playing contents...


Voice 1: Charlie, this is my friend, William, he's going to take care of you while I finish some work, ok?

Voice 2: Okay daddy! Hello mister!

Voice 3: Why hello there, Charlie. I've heard great things about you. Come along, let's go play.

Voice 2: Okay!

Voice 3: Here we are....

Voice 2: What is this place, it seems scary- scream

sounds of a car driving away is heard

Voice 1: CHARLIE!


Continuing to monitor....

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