Chapter 13 : The Uninvited Guests

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Error barged into his house, slamming the door open to see who Fell was talking about. The plastic bags he held, swayed. He had a clue of who it was, and he hated that he knew. He was huffing and panting from running swiftly on the road. As he enter, his eyes met someone he did not, nor ever did he want to see in his whole life again. A guy, wearing a jacket with purple front and green on the back. Orange color on the inside of the jacket, his sleeves were an inverted color of purple. He wore grey sweatpants and colorful sneakers. He was wearing shades that says 'YOLO' and a hat with colors of green, purple and orange. It seemed like a guy back in 90s but in a different dimension. A weird one, supposed. "What. Are you doing. Here." Error spoke lowly.

"WHAT IS UP, YO!" The person shouted with a weird accent, spreading his arms wide open, signalling Error for a hug. (Idk how his accent is lol-)

"You better leave or I'll kick your ass." Error crossed his arms while completely standing still on the doorway, not wanting to move any closer to that person. The other turned his head to Fell, and whispered loudly. "Wow, still the weird rude dude from before, eh?"

"Get the *FUNK* outta here." Fell whispered back fast. He noticed that his swear got censored or replaced with a weird man's voice. "What the h-"

"Broski! Lower the pride, wipe off the heat! Let's be rad and have some brotherly fun!" The person turned to look at Error and smiled widely. This guy's agenda in Error's house was purely just to have a talk with Error. He'd been wanting it ever since, but Error chose to drift away from him. Error scoffed. "You can't stay here. Leave." Error spoke bitterly, raising a brow. The other chuckled softly and stepped closer to Error. They placed a hand on Error's shoulder but was quickly swept away aggressively by Error. "Don't touch me."
The other quickly pulled his hand back and rubbed it softly. "Ow, that hurt." He muttered. He hasn't changed at all. Quickly, he brushed off his disappointed face and replaced it with a wide smile. "C'mon! That is so unrad, just let me in for a few cool minutes. I've got some stuff to tell 'ya, please?" The other pleased doing unnecessary hand gestures and hoping Error would agree.

Error, however, really didn't want to. But maybe some minutes wouldn't hurt. It's been a while. He sighed in defeat. "Fine." He agreed. He ignored the both of them and hung his coat on the coat rack near the door then immediately walked past them, entering the kitchen, emotionlessly. The other turned to face Fell. "Ohhh yeahhh." He gave a mocking smile towards Fell. "*FUNK* off!" Fell, well, tried to curse but it seems that he couldn't, he groaned. "WHAT THE *FUNK* DUDE!?" He shouted out of frustration.

"Woah, watch the words, brah." Said the guy.

"STOP *FUNKING* AROUND YOU *STEPPIN'* *BLEACH*." Fell exclaimed, clenching his fist tightly.

"Woah woah woah, I ain't doing that on purpose, bro." The other shook his hands with his palm faced to Fell, gesturing him that it wasn't him.

Fell grasped onto both of the other's shoulders tightly.

Error turned his head to the two. "Fresh." He called out. "Stop messing with him." Said Error. "But I didn't mean it." Fresh mumbled. Fell scoffed and walked past him. He sat on the couch while scoffing. Error pulled his groceries out and organized them, placing them where they should be. Few minutes later, Error went out of the kitchen and sat beside Fell. Leaving Fresh standing behind them. "Tell me what you gotta tell me." Error spoke. Fresh grinned and excitedly spitted his first word to tell. "'Sup b-" He was cut off. "Fast." Error interrupted. Fresh felt like swallowing his unspoken words back. They've been apart for more than years and it hurt him to see that Error has no interest in having a conversation with his own brother. "Well, I thought maybe..." Fresh started.
Error hummed in a questioning tone. "Maybe...I could stay here for a cool while?" Fresh asked. As the words entered Error's mind, he was shocked as hell. Swiftly, Fell and Error turned their heads around to see Fresh and spoke at the same time.

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