Part 22

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Our objectives were clear, find out what was happening and how do we get out. We spotted a lone door behind the waterfall, so we got to it but only to find it was some kind of storage room.

"This door behind the waterfall is nothing but a bunch of beach junk! There's no way out." Red announced.

"Reni! Go dragon! Bust down a wall!" Karen ordered.

"H-hang on! Let's not be hasty!" Reni declined in a shaky tone. "It could be just a simple malfunction. I can't go right to destroying property before knowing if we're actually in any real danger."

"I think a moon that's fuckin' blood-red means we're in a lot of danger." I angrily stated.

Then, A strong gust of wind swept us in a matter of seconds. I felt the wind coming from beside us so when we turned our heads to the side, all I saw was nothing but darkness with smoke everywhere. Then, what I can only describe as something you'd see in horror movies. Dark orange eyes appeared amid the smoke, staring directly at us.

When the smoked started to clear, I could make out multiple stones like creatures that resembled lizards. I quickly brought my carbine up and aimed my weapon at the lead lizard, switching my weapon off safe and onto semi-automatic.

"Aaah... Can we please start breaking things now, Ms. Reni?" Karen asked.

"Prepare for contact!" I yelled.

Reni stepped forward, which wasn't a really good idea and so I took a step back. "Listen!" Reni shouted, grabbing their attention. "I don't know what you are, but I am Princess Reni! These people are under royal protection! I order you to st-"

"GRRAGLH!" The lizard roared and punched Reni with the force of at least a Jumbo jet. Reni flew back to us and landed on the ground, back first.

"Reni!" Karen called but before I could react, the lizard was about to crush Karen when suddenly, a tail whipped back at the lizard, causing its arm to fall off. The lizard flew back must further and out of sight. I turned around and saw Reni back in her dragon form.

"Ergh... hard way, then. Everyone stay back!" She advised.

My ears picked up footsteps growing to my left so I quickly clasped my carbine to my left, canted it a little to the left and when I saw a lizard in my sights, I fired three accurate shots to the head. The rounds were able to produce medium-size craters for the lizard to fall onto the ground. "One's down!" I announced.

I then caught the sounds of wood snapping behind me. When I turned around again, I saw Keith struggling with a lizard and he held a broken shovel. The Lizard was about to claw Keith when I saw Natani blowing out ice from his paws. I aimed at the frozen part and discharged five rounds into the frozen part of the lizard, which made it come crashing down. I quickly ran towards Natani considering he's our magic expert, he could teleport us out, right?

"Natani, can you teleport us out?" I asked.

"First thing I tried, but I'm blocked." He responded.

"Blocked? What do you mean?"

"It's like the building itself is trying to keep us in here. We're gunna have to break our way out. Thankfully... For the first time in my life, I don't have to worry about running out of mana."

My anger increased in a matter of seconds. "Fuck!" I yelled.

I turned my head to Reni and saw she was being jumped by a lizard while holding one hostage. The one on top of her was doing damage to her by clawing her shoulder, so I instantly trained my carbine at the one on the top of her and popped seven rounds. Three in the head and four in the chest. The bullets did enough damage to let the lizard fall off her. She then lifted up the lizard she had hostage and in one swift move, threw him onto the ground in full force, smashing its entire head.

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