Part 3

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"Hey, Sis! Trace's back and he's with a new friend!" The lady shouted, totally ignoring my question.

Another woman leaned on the doorway on what looked like a lead to a storage room. I could only make out her long blue-ish and purple hair, blue eyes and she wore some sort of white dress with long purple sleeves that covered her entire arms, except for her hands. "Oh, is he now?"

She walked towards Trace with a blank expression, and both of us stared at her as she got closer. She got in-front of Trace and lifted her arm and in one swift move, she slapped Trace with a force like a truck, I swear everyone in here could've heard the slap. My eyes widened and I shifted back a bit.

"Ow! What was that for?" Trace wept.

"You know darn well what that was for! Where have you been in the last month? Out hunting those blasted Keidran again, no doubt. But then you go missing and word goes 'round that you're dead! Do you know how worried I was? As your girlfriend, I should know where you're going!"

A lot to take in right now. After hearing her blabbering, I could make out a lot about this place and the situation. I'm guessing they know him and Trace's reputation here is or WAS like an authoritative figure, until something happened which caused his memories to be wiped. And she's his girlfriend, which would explain the non-stop screaming.

"And who is this fellow? Now you're suddenly bringing random people here?"

"Name's Marcus, ma'am." I simply said.

"But I don't remember-" Trace was interjected when the girl with the cat ears grabbed Trace by the arm and pulled him. "Come on! There's a fight going on! Let's break it up!" The girl chirped as he pulled Trace. Without hesitation and not wanting to talk to Crazy Lady here, I followed them. "HEY! You three get back here! I'm not done yelling!" She barked at us.

We got to the back of the tavern and I noticed the walls were entirely made out of stone, with candles on wooden support acting as a light source and the room was pretty well lit. I then noticed two people that were what seemed like in a heated dispute. One of them was a man. With red spikey hair, like what you saw on these anime cartoons. He also wore a grey shirt with rolled-up sleeves, a metal belt around his hips, and large chains attached to said belt. He also had a metal collar on his neck, a weapon or a sword on his back, and had a cross earring, hanging down on his left ear.

The other person was- well, wasn't human, to say the least. I'm guessing it was one of them Keidrans, by the body structure I could tell it was male with brown fur. He wore a metal helmet, with his ears out of the sides, metal shoulder pads, a blue T-Shirt, some kind of necklace with green individual objects hanging from it, and brown pants. But I caught something weird, he had metal cans covering both of his feet, well not all of it. Just the strange middle; but I never thought much of it. I could tell the Keidran creature thing was shorter than all of us except for the girl with green hair.

"Okay, go ahead. Break them up." The girl ordered Trace.

"What?! Why me?" Trace asked while I just stood next to him, observing the room. Then the guy with red hair turned his head in our general direction and his expression turned to a surprised and excited look. "Tracy! You're finally back! We thought you'd died! But 'o course, you can't die!" He said in a happy and excited tone as he gave one swift pat to Trace's back. "And you have a new follower! Anyway, I was just taking care of this animal here."

The creature had a surprised look on his face when he noticed our company and quickly spun to Trace. "Wait! You're Trace Legacy?" He asked as he pointed at Trace.

"That's what everyone's been telling me." Trace responded and the creature immediately shoved Red hair guy out of the way and seized Trace by his white shirt. I also took my handgun out of my holster out of instinct. "You've got to help me!" The creature sought.


"Twerp! I get you'll want to take care of him yourself, right Trace?" Red hair guy asked as he cracked his fist knuckle, get ready to deliver a swift punch, and as tensions rose in the room.

"Oh yeah, I'll help him out." Trace said as soft whimpers could be heard from the creature and his ears flopped down.

"So, what can I do for you?" Trace said with a bright smile, bringing down the tension.


"That's not what I meant!" Red Hair guy screamed.

"Jesus Christ, what the fuck is happening..." I whispered underneath my breath.

As Trace and this creature was talking, I overheard a conversation from the three behind us. Red Hair guy, Crazy woman, and the girl with cat ears. From what I could make out, this creature apparently is called a Basitin. A completely different race living on some kind of isolated island and it's rare to see one here.

We were out of that God-forsaken Tavern and walking down the town's pathway which the Basitin. I could tell that Trace was a tad bit taller than the creature. "So, what do you need my help with, Mr...?" Trace questioned.

"Just call me Keith. My people need your help with a political problem." The Basitin now known as Keith said.

That just reminded me of the shit I had to go through before I came into this world. The office politics, the bureaucrats- I would rather be bitten by mosquitoes rather than go through office politics because fuck that. But then again, what's the difference? They're blood-sucking parasites with suits and a briefcase.

"Before you start, Just to warn you, I think I have amnesia. I don't remember much." Said Trace as he scratched the back of his head.

"What? You don't know anything?" Keith asked, stunned.

"Nothing since yesterday." Trace responded.

"No matter, we can still use your help. Can you two travel with me to my city?"

"We're already on an adventure, sort of." I voiced.

"Then I will join you two. We can travel to my city later. Gather any supplies you need and meet me by the town gates in an hour." Keith declared.

"Um... okay, I guess." Trace said while I just nodded. I'm not sure if these Basitins and Keidrans work side by side, but I'll find out soon.

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