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An hour later (11am)

A love letter came through the mail, it said, "I miss you"

I ripped it up and flushed with the tissue, try to forget you

I ain't got nothing against you, we human, we all got issues

But I'm tired of being tired of being tired

That part of me done died

I see it, then I don't, act like I'm blind

I'm confident it won't be one of mine

I know emotions come with lies, so I tell the truth all the time

Ain't got no sympathy for no bitch

I admit that I'm rich and I'm lit

Sitting in my Cousin Tony's car, he blasted his music loudly as he raced through the streets of Jersey. He'd just picked me up from the airport and to say I was nervous at this point was an understatement.

Mila and my other cousins were already waiting on me and I knew there was so much more to come today but I wasn't too sure on how any of this would play out.

That's what was scaring me most.

"How you feelin', lil mama?" My cousin Tone asked, making me smile as he passed familiar houses that I used to walk by on my way to school back in the days.

"I don't know. I'm nervous." I admitted and he nodded.

"How yo' mama?" He went on asking and I shrugged.

"She's fine. Working as usual." I admitted, making him chuckle.

My cousin Tone was much older than me. He was 27 years old but I loved him like a brother. He would always look out for me when I was younger and treated me like a princess. And though I'd been gone for three years, the connection was still there.

It would always be.

"That's good. You talked to your cousin crazy ass?" He asked, gripping the steering wheel and I nodded, already knowing he was talking about Mila

"Yeah. She's been texting me since last week." I laughed, making him shake his head.

"That girl is crazy."

See, Mila and I were closest because we were the closest in age. My other cousins, his siblings, they were all older than me. Mila was the only one of them that was my age, so naturally, we clicked.

The ride became silent after a while as he raced down blocks, passing by people he knew. And that was damn near everyone.

"What's up, nigga?" He spoke loudly, leaning out of the window as we pulled up to a corner with a bunch of guys on it.

"Ain't shit, Tone."

"What's up with you?" One of the guys ended up walking up to the car and they dabbed each other up.

"Shit, bout to drop G off right quick. I'a be back around later though." Tony told him and the guy nodded, looking into the car at me.

When he did, I furrowed my eyebrows, realizing he looked really familiar but honestly, I'd completely forgotten names.

It'd been so long.

"Oh shit. That's G." He spoke in excitement, making Tony laugh.

"Yeah, man. Crazy part is she don't even recognize yo' ass." Tone looked at me in amusement.

"What's up, GG? You probably don't remember me but I'm Abir uncle, Kann."

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