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An hour later

"You aight, man?" My Unc asked as I walked up on him and Tone with a mean mug on my face.

"Nah." I shook my head, ready to touch any and everybody.

"What's gon' on? I heard you and G just got into it at some or sum'."

"Everybody running around, saying you put hands on her or sum' shit because you caught her with somebody upstairs at Poodie party." They both went on asking and I shrugged it off, not even in the mood to talk about the shit that just went down.

Ain't nobody need to know more than what they already did. Too many people was in my business now and I ain't like that shit.

"Seem like ever since G got back y'all names been floating around.." Tone spoke up, giving me a look.

"Nah. Ain't nun' of that shit true and I wouldn't never put my hands on G. Y'all both know that shit." I spat, dropping that whole dumb ass conversation.

"Man, where the fuck this nigga at?" I asked, changing the subject, ready to get down to business.

I needed to release some of this anger and then get back to the spot so I could handle this shit with her. I was done with the bullshit.

"I just sent the lil' homie, Darnell, around to go get him." Tone told me and I nodded, pulling my hoodie over my head once I saw Darnell and this new nigga walking up the block.

"I know you hot right now neph but don't do too much." My Unc told me but I dismissed everything he was saying, I wasn't tryna hear that shit.

"What's up, bro?" Darnell spoke to me once he walked up to us.

"Ain't shit, nigga. This him?" I asked, pulling my pants up.

"Yeah, this him." He nodded, pushing the nigga up to me and I sized him up, looking down at him.

"What's yo' name, nigga?" I spoke sternly to him while he stood there, looking at all of us.

"Markey." He spoke up with his held high.

"Oh aight." I nodded, emptying my pockets so I wouldn't drop nothing.

I ain't want to do no more talking, I was ready to T off on this nigga.

"So you want to be down with us, nigga?" Tone spoke up and I watched as the young nigga nodded.

"Yeah, man. I got kids to feed and I see y'all over here, getting to the paper everyday. So I need in on that.." He trailed off and Tone nodded before everybody looked over to me.

"Aight then. You know it's only one way in, one way out right?" My Unc spoke up and he nodded, already knowing what was about to happen.

"Aight, nephew. Flash him up. All body, no face." He told me and I nodded, instantly swinging on him, giving him all body shots.



Abruptly opening my eyes, I heard Abir's room door open. I quickly sat up as the sun shined brightly into his room and I looked over to see him walking in with blood all over him.

"What the hell?" I quickly stood to my feet and ran to his aid but I soon realized that the blood wasn't coming from him.

It was somebody else's.

"Gon' back to sleep, G. I'm about to take a shower and shit." He told me as if this was nothing but I couldn't stop my mind from running a mile a minute.

Did he kill somebody? Did he kill Derrick? I thought to myself, thinking that I'd gotten this random boy hurt for no good reason.

"Abir, no. What happened?" I dismissed everything he was saying.

I had the right to know, I'd been waiting here all night when he told me that he would be right back.

"Look, I'a tell you when I get out the shower." Was all he said, walking passed me as if this was nothing but none of this sat right with me.

I mean, I knew Abir was no goody two shoes but coming home covered in blood and having a whole trash bag full of cocaine in his closet? This was different for me.

I'd never seen him like this and now I just curious to know what he was into it. And what did the person that I'm in love with turn into?

I thought long and hard for about an half hour before I watched as Abir finally came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his lower body.

I couldn't help but to stare at him as his tall, light skin, muscular body glistened under the sunlight and all over all of his tattoos.

He's not yours anymore. I continued to remind myself as he stepped into his closet and began to get dressed.

After he did, he came out of the closet with his shirt off and sat at the edge of the bed. He said nothing as he held his hand out for me and I hesitantly grabbed it, allowing him to pull me beside him.

"You ready to talk?" His deep voice spoke and I nodded slowly.

"Yes." I spoke barely above a whisper.

I'd had all night to think about what I wanted to say to him and how I was going to say it. But there was much more than just that video and last night on my mind now. Now there were factors like why does he have a huge bag of cocaine in his closet and why did he come back covered in blood?

These things I needed to know because this wasn't the Abir I was used to.

"Aight. You go first." He gave me all of his attention as he leaned back onto the bed and I looked down at my hands while he laid there with his arms relaxed behind his head.

"Okay, well I-" I started but stopped, watching as his eyes slowly closed as he began to doze off and I sighed deeply, making his eyes pop back open.

"Gon' head, G. I'm listening." He said to me and I sat there with a look on my face.

I was finally getting the chance to actually talk to him without the yelling and screaming like last night but here he was going to sleep on me.

I watched as he looked at me for a few moments, obviously waiting for me to speak now but as soon as I was about to start, his eyes began to slowly close again.

Rolling my eyes hard, I watched as he fell asleep and when he did, I took the time to admire his everything.

Though, of course, I was still mad at him and not over anything that'd happened in just three days of me being back.

My eyes roamed freely as I took the time to look over all of his tattoos. Some were old and some were new but they all looked good nonetheless.

I continued to do this for a while longer before I furrowed my eyebrows, seeing a tattoo in particular that I'd seen before but definitely not on him. This tattoo matched the tattoo my Cousin Tony had on his neck.

"Abir." I called out in shock, pushing him alittle and I watched as he slowly opened his eyes again, looking up at me.

"I'm listenin' to you, G." He lied through his teeth, looking from me then up toward the ceiling.

"No you're weren't." I rolled my eyes, putting my focus back onto the tattoo.

"What is this, Abir?" I asked, completely off topic as I pointed down to it.

Looking down at it, he looked at the tattoo and then back up at me as he sighed deeply.

"Whatchu askin' me, G?" He looked into my eyes guiltily, already knowing that I knew what it was.

I just wanted him to tell me.

"Tell me what it is." I said to him, just waiting for him to lie but he never did. He just stayed quiet and looked up at the ceiling.

"So you're down with them now?" Was all I asked, making him look me in my eyes again.


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