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Epilogue next.

2 hours later

Watching as G slept, I slowly stood to my feet before putting my briefs and my sweatpants back on. I'd put her to sleep about an hour ago after that wild ass show she put on in front of everybody earlier.

Looking down at her, I saw my finger prints still imprinted on her neck, noticing that I might've took that shit too far when I was fucking her but I really didn't give a fuck. She had it coming with all the shit she'd been talking.

I had to bust her down, it was only right. I'd already let her get away with too much.

Scoffing to myself, I grabbed the open condom wrappers that were sprawled out all over the bed and threw them in the trash bin before walking out of the room.

Making my way downstairs, I felt my phone ringing in pocket and I pulled it out before answering it.

"Yo." I spoke sternly, plopping down onto the couch.

"Yo, tell me you ain't put your hands on GG, bro." My Unc's voice came through the phone and I scoffed to myself, shaking my head.

"Nah. I ain't hit her." I spoke truthfully and he sighed in relief.


"I thought you was about to beat on her lil' ass out here, neph. I know how you get.." He trailed off and I nodded because he was right.

I wasn't even going to lie, that shit crossed my mind a few times out there but I knew that shit came with too many consequences. First one being her never wanting to talk to me again and probably not being able to see my seed. If I hit her, she'd look at me as the worst nigga in the world and then she'd run and tell my mama, so I just refrained.

Shit wasn't worth it.

"Nah. It wasn't even worth it, with her soft ass hits." I admitted, chuckling to myself.

"Aight then, nephew. Coo."

"I was just calling to make sure you was good."

"Hit me up later. I'm bout' to go and get some money or sum'."

"Aight, nigga. I'ma be out there too a little later." I told him and he told me "Aight" before we hung up completely.

Sitting there now, my head was all over the place as I grabbed my already rolled blunt that sat in the ashtray.

"I need this shit." I told myself as I put the blunt to my lips and lit it.

When I did, I inhaled sharply, leaning my head back onto the couch as I slowly closed my eyes. I sat like that a while, relaxing my mind and my body.

It seemed like only a few minutes had passed as I slowly opened my eyes again, seeing G standing there, looking at me.

Licking my lips, I cleared my throat before I sat up to put my blunt out and she came over to me, sitting down in my lap.

We ain't say shit to each other as she wrapped her arms around my neck, laying her head on my shoulder. While she did, I looked down at the bite marks on her arms and the countless number of hickeys that were placed in between her thighs.

"Damn, I fucked you up." I said to her as she slowly lifted her head to look up into my eyes.

She rolled her eyes playfully as she looked down at her hands.

"Look at me." I told her, making her look up again.

"I apologize." I went on saying since I knew that I should. I was fucked up for the shit I did, posting our business.

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