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Next day

"G, are you okay?" My auntie asked from the crack of the door as I laid in my bed, crying softly to myself.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I sniffled as she nodded her head, looking at me sympathetically.

"You want to talk about it?" She went on asking and I shook my head, just wanting to be alone right now.

I didn't want to be bothered at all.

"No. I just want to lay here." I admitted to her and she abided before letting me know that she was here for me before slowly closing my door.

When she did, I wiped my face as my phone buzzed in my hands.

So you can't text back? Abir texted to me for the hundredth time today and I rolled my eyes, knowing that I couldn't keep ignoring him but right now I just couldn't sit in his face and lie.

I was pregnant. I wasn't about to be prancing around him like I wasn't.

"GG." I heard Mila's voice calling me as I sighed deeply, sitting up from my bed.

"What?" I answered as she came into my room, handing me her phone.

"Who is it?" I asked quietly and she gave me a look.

"Who else." She said before leaving completely as I held her phone in my hands, seeing Abir's number on the screen.

"Hello." I spoke softly as I finally put the phone to my ear.

"Yo' ass can't text back now? I been texting you since this morning, bro." He spat into the phone and I shook my head in guilt, feeling horrible.

I'd been avoiding him since last night after I found out that I was pregnant. I still had yet to tell him anything. Ducking and dodging all of his calls and messages.

"I'm coming to get you, G." He spat sternly before I could even say anything.

"Abir-" I started but he quickly cut me off.

"I ain't tryn' hear none of that shit. Be ready." Was all he said to me and I sighed deeply, listening to call end all together.

"Fine." I said to myself, trying to give myself the courage to just go and tell him but it soon failed as I walked out my room with nerves taking over me again.

Walking down the hall, I made my way to Mila's room and walked in when I reached her door.

"Girl, that man been blowing me up all morning, trying to get to you." She said to me as I handed her phone back to her.

"You alright?" She went on asking and I nodded, smiling small.

I wasn't upset at anyone but I wasn't completely fine either. I didn't know what I felt in the moment and I definitely didn't know what Abir was about to feel when I told him about this.

"Are you going to finally tell him?" She asked and Lani came into the room, looking directly at me.

"Yeah. I'm going to." I said with a nod and they both just looked at me, obviously not believing me but I didn't have a choice.

The longer I waited, the more months I would be. I couldn't hide it for that long.

"You better, cous. Because my lil' cousin is going to be here soon." She trailed off, talking to my empty ass stomach while we all laughed.

I was only one month pregnant, it wasn't much there yet.

"Alright. Well, I'm about to get ready because he's coming to get me in a minute." I explained to them and they both nodded their heads.

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