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"GG, I'm so sorry about my son. I don't know what's gotten into him." Ms. Johnson apologized as we pulled up to my mom mom's house.

"It's okay, this is nothing new for me." I admitted to her. I'd been gone for a while but Abir was still the same and he knew he was wrong.

"I'm just upset that he went as far as this, this time."

"Like I get that I left and now that I'm back he doesn't want to be hurt again but how far does your trust go with me and how far can my trust go with you?" I went on, expressing myself, the same way that I wanted to express to him but he wanted to be an asshole about it.

Making things worse than it had to be.

"Ms. Johnson, I'm just going to be honest.." I trailed off.

"This is not something that I'm going to just sweep under the rug and he knows it."

"I know that and you shouldn't." She spoke sternly.

"That's why I told that boy to tell you what he'd done when he came to me about this."

"Well, at least he came to somebody about it. Because he definitely didn't come to me." I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"And he wasn't going to either." She spoke, shaking her head at the situation.

Obviously he'd talked to everybody else about this except the person that he was actually doing it to. I guess this was his revenge on me and he had this planned all along.

"Ooo, he gets on my nerves." I rolled my eyes hard, thinking about his nonchalant attitude and everything he'd just said to me back at her house.

"Then he's so careless about everything." I went on, complaining about his behavior.

"I told him I was pregnant in the car, when were on the way to see you."

"You know what he said to me?" I squinted my eyes as she awaited my response.

"What did he say?"

"He said aight." I mocked him hard, shrugging my shoulders like him.

When I did, she bursted out laughing and I couldn't help but to do the same. I was so mad that I just had to laugh to calm myself down.

"He's so annoying." I rolled my eyes.

"And I know he's going to try to come here and start something because of what I said before we left." I went on, looking down at my hands.

"Oh lord. What'd you say, GG?"

"Well he was being so nonchalant about everything and telling me he basically didn't care about what he did and that I was going to have this baby regardless of anything so.."

"I told him that I wasn't having the baby.." I trailed off, still looking down at my hands and she gasped lowly.

"Really?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"That's why he was so mad and he wanted to take me to that new place he just bought, Ms. Johnson."

"And that's why you wanted me to bring you here instead?" She asked, nodding her head while I nodded mine.

"Yeah.." I trailed off truthfully.

"But he knows that I didn't mean what I said. I just wanted him to feel something, he was being so careless and nonchalant." I shook my head in disappointment.

"And then he was saying things like I deserved this because I was doing too much this summer so I deserved it." I went on, just telling her everything now because I could and he knew that I would.

"No he didn't." She shook her head in disbelief but I nodded mine, letting her know that it was the truth.

"Yes he said, I'll be okay and that I need to learn to sit down." I went on, singing like a bird and she took it all in.

"Hm." She scoffed, obviously just as disappointed in him as I was.

"Well you know what, GG.."

"Take all the time you need away from him and let him see that what he did was wrong. He feels he has the control now so he can do and say whatever he wants but he doesn't."

"Exactly." I nodded in agreement, listening to her words intently.

"So you take your time and talk to him when you're ready to. Let his ass sweat a little bit."

"My son wants to keep playing the you left me game well then leave him while you're still here." She went on, giving me some advice and I smiled to myself.

"Bet he won't have too much to say after that."

"And if he comes here, trying to start trouble with you, call me." She spoke sternly and I nodded in agreement, knowing that I would be calling soon.

He wouldn't take what I'd said lightly but he'd said things too so I had the right.

"Don't let him smooth talk his way back in. This is bigger than that. You guys are about to have a baby."

"So take your time, talk to your family, especially your mom.." She trailed off, looking at me knowingly.

"Think about if you really want to have this baby and then once you come up with a decision, then you talk to him."

"Don't let him bully you like that."

"Aht un." She spat, rolling her eyes.

When she was done with her rant, we both sat there quietly as I took in all of her words. I knew she was right and I knew I needed to give myself time to actually think about what I wanted to do.

I also needed to give myself time away from Abir so he could think about what he did and why it was wrong.

Everything just needed time.

"Thank you, Ms. Johnson." I told her and she smiled wide, pulling me in for a hug.

"You're welcome, baby."

"Now gon' head in and talk to your family. Tell your grandmama I said hello." She shooed me and I did as told, getting out of the car, making my way into the house.


Moments later

"Yo, what's good, neph? You aight?" My Unc asked as I posted up on the corner, just trying to get out my of head and make some money for the day.

"I'm cool." I mumbled, looking away from him as I watched Tony, Darnell and Poodie walk up.

"What's up, nigga?" They all started talking and dabbing each other up.

"What's up with you, Bir?" They ended up speaking to me and I just nodded, cutting all that shit short.

I wasn't in the mood for nothing right now. Giselle had me fucked up and I was trying my hardest to give her some space for now because I knew if I didn't, I'd end up doing some shit to her or saying some shit to her that I knew I shouldn't.

"Aw man.."

"What GG do now, nigga?" Darnell joked, making everybody look at him and I looked at him with dead eyes, slowly pushing myself up off the wall.

Clearing my throat, I pulled my pants up, not even thinking about that shit as I smacked the shit out of him, making it echo all the way down the block.

"Oh shit." Poodie instigated as everybody laughed loudly and Darnell bitch ass stood there confused.

"Watch your motherfuckin' mouth." I spat before my Unc roughly pushed me the opposite way.

"Aye, come take this walk." He spoke sternly and I scoffed, shaking my head.

"Bitch ass niggas, bro." I spat.


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