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"Ooo, I hate his dumb ass!" I yelled, calling Abir's phone over and over now as I sat on the couch pissed.

He'd just announced my pregnancy on a damn app for everybody to see, considering damn near everybody from the hood were in Mila's comments.

"What happened, Mila?" My auntie asked as I sat there still trying to get in contact with him and Mila shook her head.

"Abir just told everybody that GG is pregnant in the comments on my post." She went on telling her and my auntie shook her head as she looked from the phone to me.

"Delete that comment, Mila."

"And you, GG.." She pointed to me.

"What's going on between yall?"

"Why would he do something like that?" She asked and I rolled my eyes hard.

"Because he's mad at me and now he's being petty."

"We had an argument about something important earlier and I ended up blocking him because I needed a break."

"Now he went and did this, trying to get some attention.." I trailed off, huffing.

"Ooo." I shook my head, finally putting my phone down once I realized he wasn't going to answer.

"Come on, Mila. Walk me to his house." I stood to my feet.

I wasn't playing anymore games with him. I was sick and tired of this.

"Are you sure you want to-" She started but I quickly cut her off.

"Yes! I'm not playing with him." I screamed and she nodded as Lani and Angel got ready to walk me too while my auntie just shook her head.

It took a while but after everybody was finished getting ready, we finally made our way out of the house and as soon as we did we saw a large crowd of people down at the store.

"Oh my god." Mila sighed as we continued walking, headed toward the large crowd of people.

When we did, it seemed as if everything stopped and all eyes landed on me.

"Oh my god, GG! You're pregnant?"

"Everybody's saying you're pregnant, G." I heard a bunch of people asking and trying to get information from me and I shook my head, seeing Abir standing on the corner across the street with all of his friends.

"Damn, you only been back a few months, G. Abir wasn't playing." Somebody went on but I ignored them now.

"Excuse me." I pushed through the people as I quickly made my way over to Abir.

Walking across the street as fast as I could, he looked directly at me as his friends began pointing, obviously telling him that I was coming.

"What's up, GG?" They all spoke to me but I completely ignored them, slapping Abir as hard I could.


The slapped echoed so loud that even the large crowd across the street had heard it.

"Oh shit!" I heard somebody say loudly.

"GG!" I then heard people calling me, trying to get me to stop but I was so out of it now.

All I saw was red right now.

"Why would you do that?!" I screamed at him as he licked his lips angrily, turning his face away from me.

"You're so fucking careless!" I went on and he wasn't even looking at me now as he angrily balled his fist up as if he was about to hit me.

"Yo, Bir. Just chill, it ain't worth it." His uncle tried to calm him down, considering the look on his face.

"And, GG, look, I know you mad but y'all gotta chill out and go talk somewhere else or sum. It's too many people out here in y'all business right now'." He went on, trying to deescalate the situation but I was hot and now so was he.

"No because he's the one who put them in our business!" I ignored Kann as Abir's nostrils flared and all of his friends just watched as the scene went down.

"You ain't shit, Abir!" I kept saying to him.

"I fucking hate you! I should've never came back here and let you touch me!" I continued on screaming, not giving a fuck about all of these people watching us.

"You knew what you were doing, you plotted on me!"

"Ooo, I should've got pregnant by somebody else." I snapped out and when I did, he roughly scooped me off of my feet and threw me over his shoulder.

"Stop it! Put me down!" I screamed as everybody continued watching us and I swung my arms, hitting him as hard as I could but that didn't stop him.

He ended up opening his car door then used his foot to keep it open before roughly pushed me inside.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I kicked him as hard as I could and he sighed deeply before slamming the door closed.

People then began walking over to the car as he did and I watched as someone walked up to him before he got in , trying to get him to calm down.

"Bro, just calm down. Don't do nothing crazy, Bir." They kept on telling him.

"Nah. Watch out." He spoke sternly back, getting into the car and slamming the door shut.

When he did, he didn't even look at me before he zoomed off and I sat there in fear, grabbing at the seatbelt to quickly put it on.

He now drove as fast as he could and I sat there with tears streaming down my eyes. I was now embarrassed, pregnant and emotional all at once.

"Whatchu cryin' for? You was just tough out there?" He chuckled angrily and I shook my head, feeling helpless now.

"Stop talking to me, Abir." Was all I said to him and he did as I said, staying quiet the entire ride and no more than 10 minutes later we were roughly pulling up to his new house.

Cutting the engine, he grabbed his phone from the cup holder before quickly stepping out of the car.

"Come on." He spat, slamming his door shut but I still sat there, not moving an inch.

"Come on." He spoke sternly, coming to my side of the car and I shook my head at him.

"I'm not going in there." I expressed to him and he just looked at me with dead eyes.

"Why not? You tough right?"

"You was just talkin' all that shit.." He trailed off.

"And you smacked me in front of my homies?" He chuckled angrily, making his way over to me.

"Man, get the fuck out the car, bro." He snapped, swinging the passenger side door opened as I began to cry again.

"Stop, Abir." I spoke softly now and he scoffed, shaking his head.

"You told everybody that I'm pregnant and you got me pregnant on purpose, you don't care about me." I went on sobbing now and he sighed deeply, looking down at me while I did.

Saying nothing else, he grabbed my hand and gently pulled me out of the car.

"Stop fuckin' crying, G." Was all he said in a calmer tone now before pulling me into him and I cried into his neck.

"Just come in the crib and we gon' talk."


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