3.7- Harry

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I felt better after a day when she flounced down to my car with a wide grin. I leaned on my door arms open to hug her.

small body crushing to mine I leaned my head down to take in the scent of her strawberry hair.

"Are you ready for me to ruin your day?" she singsonged as I pulled open the passenger door for her.

"always love," I say as she buckled her belt.

"well get in the car so you're sitting when I tell you the bad news," and I listen to her already pulling out of her driveway.

"so I'm sitting in a lot of nervous anticipation," I say stopping at the stop sign.

it was a weekend and we were going for breakfast at our usual spot that not many people knew about.

"you have to come to dinner with me and my parents,"

"Oh goodie! should I wear eyeliner and go topless?" and she does that giggle that can't help but shoot me in the fucking stomach with butterflies.

you're so fucking whipped

and I didn't even care.

"yes they would love that so much they would clean your teeth for free!" and it's my turn to laugh and I let my hand fall over the center conceal asking for hers.

"you don't seem worried," I say brushing my thumb over the back of her hand. her skin was so fucking soft, I fucking loved it.

"I'm not because I've already thought over the worst from tornados to my parents asking if we're having safe...you know,"

I chuckle at how cute she was. "well good thing you thought over everything, do I get flashcards?"

"Oh shut it," she says letting her other hand trace shapes on the back of mine intertwined in hers.

I pull into the lot, parking the car. "so what am I going to wear?"

she lets her head roll to her shoulder, eyes peering at me through her lashes.


she was perfect, so fucking gorgeous. the way she blinked letting her lashes brush the soft fragile skin under her eyes dusted in light freckles. the morning sun rising casting her in a heavenly golden glow.

"Whatever you want,"

"so I'm going with my eyeliner and topless look for tonight," and she cracks a small smile. her cheek folding so sweet.

"haha," she says lifting her head up to place a small kiss on my cheek.

I didn't notice how often I was catching myself with a frozen genuine smile on my face. I couldn't help but admire her, couldn't help but fucking love the feelings she brought me.

and even as we sat down eating and joking about whatever I couldn't help but catch myself wondering if this was love. wondering if I was still stuck in that middle part of figuring it all out. or if this was it.

and when I dropped her off so I could go change I walked into fletcher room.

"how do you know you're in love?" I asked and he was spread out on his bed video game controller in his hand, Calum sitting at the foot of the bed with his eyes trained in the screen as they competed. both of their heads snapped to me the second the words left my mouth.

it only took a second for them to pause the game, for fletcher to sit up with wide eyes. Calum looking at me as if he didn't know who the fuck I was.

"what did you just say?" fletcher asked eyebrows pulled tight together.

"how do you know you're in love and not just you know falling in love anymore?" I ask suddenly embarrassed realizing the implications of my question.

"you love Rosie? like love love her?" Calum asks pointing at me and fletcher shoved calums shoulder with his foot.

"what the fuck dude when did love happen?"

"I don't know if it's happening what I know is that I asked a fucking question to figure it out, I can fucking google it if you're not going to help," I say already turning to leave, regretting even thinking about asking.

"no no! we will help!" fletcher says moving to get up.

"no, really I'm regretting asking y-"

"I want to fucking help!" fletcher yells and I roll my eyes.

"fine," I say and he nods to the edge of his bed.

"sit asshole," he says when I don't get what he's trying to say.

I sit and Calum still has his eyes trained on me. "so..." he mutters waving his hand for me to continue.

"I can't tell if I'm in love or if- nope I can't fucking do this when you're both staring at me as if I've grown two fucking heads,"

"shut the fuck up and explain your feelings so we can tell you," fletcher says rolling his eyes. "you're just as fucking stubborn as rose,"

"hey-" I start but fletcher rolls his eyes.

"Answer my fucking question,"

I felt weird sitting there trying to understand my own feelings, to say them aloud to someone who knew her, knew me.

"I don't fucking know good?"

fletcher rolls his eyes and Calum chuckled. "good, of fucking course she makes you feel good asshole I need a description!"

"well, it's hard when you're fucking looking at me like that!" I say waving my hand at them.

"who cares! just explain so we can help you because I swear to fucking god if you tell Rosie you love her and you don't mean it I'll kick your fucking ass into a different planet,"

"I wouldn't tell her if I didn't know asshole," I say pushing at his shoulder and he pushes me back.

"explain god damn it!"

"well, she makes me feel....good....well fucking great actually. I've never in my whole fucking life felt like how she makes me feel...it doesn't matter what she does or even if I'm just thinking about her....she's fucking perfect and soft and smart and beautiful like fuck she's perfect. I've never smiled so much or felt so much in my entire life. she makes my fucking world stop and i-i...."

I can see her so clearly in my mind, the way she spun in the parking lot sipping on her to-go cup of chocolate milk. how she looked in English as I sat across from her, how her hair looked when it was pinned back with those little gold fucking clips. I could hear the sound of her little laugh as she held my hand, see that crinkle in her nose, the squint of her eyes. and I wanted more of all those feelings she cast upon me. no matter what she did, no matter when she did it. no one ever listened to me how she does, no one cares like she does. no one has ever made me open up, smile, laugh as much as she has.

"love her."


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