Aries: *does their homework like a good kid, but gets annoyed when they teacher doesn't post the assignments, or doesn't respond back to their questions until after the assignment is due*
Taurus: *noncelantly playing a game on their phone while their camera is off, but somehow can still answer every question the teacher asks them*
Tauros: *could care less about online schooling tbh*
Gem: *is always ready for class, and I mean it. #BrightEyedAndBushyTailed*
Ini: *yawns like every 2 seconds, and can never keep a straight face during the meeting for some reason. Always forgetting something, and has to go find it*
Cancer: *hogging all the wi-fi so they can actually see the teacher during the meeting*
Leo: *petty laughing every time the teacher tries to make a joke*
Virgo: *accidentally swears at their brother, and gets in trouble since their mic was on*
Libra: *procrastinates, and even after setting like a bazillion alarms, and they still miss class*
Scorpio: *legit the same thing Aries is doing*
Saj: "I'm going to do these 14 assignments 15 minutes before they're due, like the universe intended it."
Caprisun: *is it wrong to attend class for your sibling?*
Aqua: *corrects the teacher, and get's onto the meeting like 5 minutes before it ends*
Pisces: *answers the teachers questions, but ends up getting off topic, and never actually answers the question*
Zodiac Senarios
RandomJust a dash of chaos. Enjoy! I'll admit, it's been a while since I last updated this. Feel free to read.