Ch - 3 "Personal Number"

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"Don't trust anyone blindly

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"Don't trust anyone blindly. Most people you meet are with you only for their own sake and interest."

~ Unknown

Part 3

Abigail's Pov

It's been 2 days since Angelina's wedding and I am trying my very very best to forget that day.

That day, when unknowingly a feeling erupted in my heart and since then I'm missing a certain someone.

I'm trying my very best to forget him but the more I try and the more I remember him.

It's like without knowing he left his picture of feelings in my brain.

"Hey you okay, you are looking a little down today" Serena said while driving to my singing scheduled place.

"No I'm fine, I'm just feeling a little tired." I lied. I really can't tell her this, she already has so much in her hands.

"It's okay, here, listen to your song for today." She said and I felt her putting earphones in my hands.

I did as she said. It was pop yet bold music. I once asked Serena why I always have to sing these kinds of songs. These are so.... Uhm sensual.

But she said the listeners decide the song and as they are girls or sometimes gay so they like to listen songs like these.

She actually does very hard work to get me work and that's why I adore her so much and never deny her anything.

After reaching the destination she helped me out of the car then entered the restaurant.

"Abigail, just sit here okay? I'll be back in a minute." Serena said and helped me to sit before going somewhere.

My mind again wandered to him and my heart started to race again.

"God what is even happening to me." I sighed and tried to distract myself by practicing the lyrics.

Today I wore black cut top with a red short pencil skirt. It's a pretty exposed outfit and today I insisted to Serena that I don't want to wear this but she said I have to if I want to keep my job.

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