Ch - 7 "Thank You"

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"Anyone can say they care

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"Anyone can say they care. But it's their actions that speak, not their words." 

~ Unknown 

Part 7

Abigail's Pov 

"Serena, I'm so tired." I told her as she was driving me to my next performance destination. 

"It will be over soon, Bellissa," she said and didn't reply to me again. 

I sighed and rested my head on the window glass. Yesterday night I wasn't able to talk to Adrian properly.

He was talking about some S-Tux kinda suit that Bryan designed for them and then I didn't even listen to what he said because I slept off. Yup I was that tired. 

It's all because of my non-stop singing. Serena wakes me up at exactly 6am and my performance ends up after 10pm. This nonstop singing is making me hella tired. She didn't even let me relax for a minute. 

She wasn't like this before, but now it's like she doesn't see anything else than work. 

"We are here Bellissa." Her words broke me out of my thoughts and I sighed before going with her.




"Bellissa we are home" Serena said and helped me to get out of the car. 

"What time is it Serena?" I asked her because while performing I could feel my phone vibrating in my dress. Adrian must have been calling me. 

"It's midnight sweetie, you did really well today. Tomorrow again I'll wake you at 5am because you have an early morning performance tomorrow and your schedule is packed till midnight." I gasped at her. 

"Serena, I'm tired, at least give me rest for tomorrow please I'm not a machine." I whined. 

"Well people need to become machines to survive sweety, now no excuse just go and sleep so we can have rest and wake up early tomorrow" she ordered and I sighed. 

"It's already midnight so Mrs Cara has gone home. Now go to your room straight and I'm locking the apartment from outside. Goodbye Bellissa" she said while taking me inside then went out and locked the door. 

I really don't know what to feel, she didn't even care if I ate or not. I didn't eat anything after yesterday's lunch and I'm so hungry. 

Serena used to be very careful about my meal, lunch and dinner. But now I don't know what happened to her, she doesn't even care if I eat or not, she just cares about work. 

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