Ch - 8 "The One"

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"I feel this gravitational pull towards you

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"I feel this gravitational pull towards you. Like the universe and all the galaxies had a talk and said, 

"Yeah, It's Time." 

~Gawn Birdie 

Part 8

Abigail's Pov 

"Thank you for everything Adrian. Thank you for coming today." I said with a smile and felt him sitting beside me. 

My heartbeat raced when I felt him brushing my cheeks and took my bandaged palm in his hand.

"Adrian?" I said with a small voice. 

"Abi, I want to ask you a question. Will you answer me honestly?" He asked and I could hear my heart thumped into my ears. 

"Wh-what  is-is it?" I asked very nervously.

"Do you trust me?" I froze at his question. 

Do I? If I ask my heart then I get only one answer. Yes, I trust him. But am I right in trusting him? 

Few days ago, me and Serena were having lunch at some place when Benny suddenly came to us. She was really happy to see me there. 

Then that same question popped in my mind. Am I right in trusting Adrian? 

I told Benny that I want to talk to her alone and she gladly agreed. Then I told her everything about Adrian, how we started our relationship as friends. 

I told her what I feel for Adrian, and I am not even sure of what it is. She said I'll soon figure out what these feelings are but for now it's good that we started from friendship.

I also told her that my heart has even started trusting him blindly. I asked her am I making any mistakes?

Then she told me that I'll never make any mistake by trusting Adrian. He is the most shy, kind and gentle person in the group of The Inferno. He is the dream boy for every girl. If something is dear to him then he will protect it with everything in him. 

She told me that day everything about Adrian, his goodness and I felt myself drowning deep in those feelings. 

I even made her swear that she wouldn't tell this to anyone, not even her husband. 

That day I got my answer to the question of whether I am right in trusting Adrian or not. 

"Abigail? Do you?" Adrian said, holding my hand and breaking me from my thoughts.

"What?" I asked as I was lost in my thoughts for so long.

"I asked you whether you trust me or not?" He asked again and I could feel nervousness in his voice.

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