Those Poor Unfortunate Souls (cont. Night 6)

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As we were dancing the dancing the night away. Foxy suddenly dropped on his knees and started to cough violently. Freddy turned off the music and we quickly gather around Foxy.

"Fuck... not again..." Freddy cursed under his breath. Foxy looked up with blood and black liquid oozing from his mouth, His breath was now unbearable! It smelled like something crawled in his mouth and died there! His eyes filled with tears.

"F-FrEdDy? I dOn'T F-F-FeEl GoooOOOoood..." Foxy said in a run down, glitchy manner.

"Damn... Hang in there Foxy..." Bonnie patted Foxy's back.

"W-What's going on...?" I softly asked.

Goldie sighed. "We just have some... issues... we're gonna have to wait till is day time and the electricians come and try to fix him..."

Bonnie grabbed his throat and started to choke. He got on his hands and knees next to Foxy and started vomiting the same black liquid.

"B-Bonnie!" I yelled as I got tried to get closer but Chica prevented me.

"F-Fu-FuuuUUuCk! Please N-Not aGaIn!" Bonnie yelped in the same tone as Foxy.

I couldn't bear look at the sight. I quickly closed my eyes and tears began to stream down on my cheeks. I wish I could do something! Anything to stop their suffering!

"M-Maybe I can help?" I softly said as the others looked at me in total disbelief.

"H-Hoooow can y-ye-y-ye help us?" Foxy looked at me while he started wheezing.

"Urm... I-I can maybe fix you...?" I twilled my thumbs.

"Mike, that would be Nice of you but... How can you fix us? Do you have any experience with dealing 'robots'?" Chica crossed her arms and frowned.

"Only a little... it shouldn't be so h-hard..." I stared at the floor nervously.
"W-Well I'll d-definitely TaKE THe On oFfEr~!" Bonnie slowly stood up and weakly smiled at me.

"We all could use a bit of fixing... Alright we'll got it a shot... I hope you know what you are doing, Mike Schmidt..." Freddy spoke in a very stern tone as he and Goldie helped up Bonnie and Foxy.

The animatronics changed their clothes before we entered the supply room. "Who's first...?" I said as I took out a small box with various of tools. The stared at each others nervously for a while but Bonnie stepped forward.

"I'll go first! I T-TRuuUust H-H-HIM with m-my own life!" He sat down and looked at me sweetly. "I-I'm REAdy!"

I slowly removed his face and more black liquid spilled. I did my best to ignore the foul stench. I spent almost an hour tweaking and I can surely say that this wasn't as easy as I thought!

"T-There! That should do it!" I exclaimed as I placed Bonnie's face back I place. "Try it out, Bonnie~! Say something!"

Bonnie smiled. "I love you, Mikey!" He said in a crystal clear tone and hugged me tightly then looked at the others. "There's No need to be nervous anymore! Come on! Who's next?" He looked over Foxy who slowly raised his hand. "That's the spirit!"

One by one I started to fix their voice boxes. Heck since I fixed Goldie's voice box, he sound much nicer and smoother! I think it was so smooth that it made Freddy blush!

I finally finished up and we headed for the show stage. My hands were slightly covered in the black liquid and blood that came from the animatronics. I really don't wanna know Where this come from or who's is this from. Bonnie handed a towel to wash the 'dirt' away.

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