Monday, 7 December 2020

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Hey guys.

I'm starting to see a pattern here. It's like the whole universe is trying to tell me to just stay quiet. To just shut up. Don't even try to talk to anyone and make friends. If you do end up making a friend, make that person hate you and let them give up on you before the friendship can be formed.

I'm starting to think that it doesn't matter that I want to change. Because everything around me will remind me why I can never change. Just when I thought I could finally try and be the first one to talk, there's always something that will make me feel like I shouldn't. Like everything is pointless anyway. So, why try?

I'm sorry. You guys probably think I'm annoying by this point. You can stop reading and listening to me if you want. Cuz, it doesn't matter anyways.

You guys are awesome regardless.

CK Salma

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