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His life had been normal once. 

Once he had held a belief that the world thrived on the quirks one was born with.

Once he had believed that everything was fair. Just.

But reality was a bitch that crumbled before his eyes the moment he manifested his quirk.

Quirks were a reality, there was no denying it.

But the world lied to them all. 

Quirks were made to either doom you, or grant you everything there was to offer.

One thing Izuku had learned that day;

The world loved to play a sick game.


Izuku stumbled through the streets, his green feathers trailing the damp cement. Iron swelled up in the air, leaving a nauseating scent to all who passed by. Each person took one glance before they quickly moved their distance. The look of disgust and horror was apparent, leaving Izuku even more burdened. His eyes had loss it's normal shimmer as he felt the constant stream of tears halt entirely. His heart pounded in his chest, but he found his mind empty. The shell he had become radiated pain, yet he felt none.

His gaze darkened as he spotted his fingertips. Long nails protruded, red dripping to the ground below. Memories of past events raced through his mind as his heart dropped in his chest. The sight of his mother's fear and despair at the sight of her son. Each event left him drowning in the abyss of his mind. He struggled at first in the endless black, but eventually it was too much even for him. Age four and he was all alone. Cast out into the cruel world. Into the cold. 

His mind had been wandering endlessly before he had come to an abrupt stop. The streets had grown empty rather abruptly, leaving him to glance at the remaining figure outlined in the growing eve. He expected them to once more turn away. To raise their head high and ignore him. He was a freak in the eyes to all. Broken in so many ways at such a young age. But to his surprise the figure moved closer. The black suit was melded into the approaching night, eyes shimmering among the void. The heavy footsteps filled the overwhelming silence as raspy breathing grew prominent. One foot stepped back, preparing to escape.

"Hello there... What are you doing out here all alone?" Izuku remained silent as he glanced toward the new face. The round shape of their head and large figure left a shadow engulfing his small frame.

"I um..." His voice died out as he lowered his head, hands clenching the bottom edge of his shirt. He found himself scared of the intentions to why the stranger had approached.

"Is there family in the area? Anyone you might know..." The mans voice left an unease in Izuku. His speech was laced in a calm tone, similar to the calm before the storm. Izuku felt there was a gentleness to his demeanor, but his tone held a menacing edge.

"Um... No..." His words drew a seemingly gentle smile from the man as he slowly held out his hand. The sight drew concern from Izuku, but quickly he tossed it aside. Reaching out, he hesitated as another voice drew both gazes. 

"Might I inquire if you know this man?" All Might felt uneasy as the man nodded slowly, his hand pressing lightly to Izuku's shoulder. There was a slight pressure before Izuku forced a nod, his gaze timid and vulnerable.

A Dangerous Love - DekuHawksWhere stories live. Discover now