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The moment Hawks arrived at his home, he found himself pondering different ideas. He didn't know where Izuku would sleep. Didn't know what he liked to eat. Didn't have clothes to fit him. It was only then that he realized he truly wasn't prepared for this. Giving a frustrated huff, he found thin fingers grabbing lightly to his coat. His gaze fell onto Izuku's vibrant emerald eyes. He couldn't deny the sight was stunning. It was similar to a polished gem, a slight gleam whenever light hit it correctly. Forcing his attention elsewhere, he quickly brushed the hand off before hanging his coat on the rack. Leaving his boots by the door, he motioned Izuku to follow him as he crept further into his home.

Taking a seat on the couch he watched as Izuku remained standing. He felt a sigh slip from him as he motioned to the spot beside him. There was hesitation before Izuku took the seat, his legs pulled to his chest. 

"So... Your name is Izuku Midoriya, correct?" There was no response as Izuku's gaze remained glued to the floor. "Are you hungry?" 

He expected to receive no answer, but to his surprise, he found a slight nod. Widening his eyes he felt a slight smile cross his expression.

"You can understand me?" Izuku nodded again, this time his head turning to face Hawks. His mouth opened slightly before closing. There was a brief moment of silence before he smiled toward Izuku. "Name's Hawks. H-A-W-K-S." 

"Ha...awks... Hawks." The moment the word left Izuku, Hawks felt his heart flutter. Izuku's voice was angelic, leaving Hawks speechless. His head turned away as he hid the color that dimly rested on his face. The silence drew concern from Izuku as he shuffled slightly on the couch. The sudden movement snapped Hawks attention back to Izuku, his breath faltering when a gentle gaze overlooked him. He felt soft skin press to his arm as Hawks noticed the worry. The closer Izuku got, the more Hawks felt himself struggling to look away. Those green eyes were hypnotizing, luring him in. He wanted to move, leave the situation.

"I'm fine... Yeah, I uh... I'm fine." Hawks finally leaned back, trying to pull away. To his surprise Izuku kept closing the distance. Eventually Hawks found himself leaning toward the corner of the couch, emerald eyes inches away from his face. His heart hammered in his chest as he felt a growing (gay ^_^) panic. He saw Izuku's expression, worry crested over his features. Hawks tried to reassure Izuku with a smile. To his dismay, Izuku didn't look content. Without warning he felt Izuku's weight fall on him as arms wrapped around his torso. There was no hiding the color that cascaded his features, Izuku pressing his head lightly against Hawks chest. Slowly he took in a deep breath before allowing himself to relax, his arm rising. Gently he placed a hand on Izuku's head, ruffling the soft hair. He felt a genuine smile cross his face as he heard a short chuckle leave Izuku.

Later that night Hawks had set up the couch for Izuku, offering a couple blankets and a fluffy pillow. Izuku had crawled beneath the warmth without hesitation, his head nuzzling the pillow as he let out a silent yawn. He felt a butterfly in his stomach as he turned and left, his gaze drifting back momentarily. He wore a soft smile as he made his way to his room, his eyelids heavy. Crawling under his blankets, Hawks felt exhaustion wash over him. Without another thought, he embraced the darkness sleep offered.

A couple hours later Izuku found himself awake as thunder rumbled in the distance. His hair stood on edge as he hugged the pillow close. Tears gathered in his eyes as he shook slightly, his gaze shifting toward where Hawks had wandered earlier. Pulling back the blankets, he pressed his feet lightly to the carpet before rising. Slowly he crept from the living room before turning the doorknob on Hawks room. Pushing the door too, Izuku crept closer. He left the door ajar, his hands reaching for the sheets on the side Hawks was not on. Crawling onto the top of the blankets he was about to lay down when thunder rang out once more. The sudden noise startled him as he flinch, his body dropping to the mattress as he shook slightly. 

The sudden movement stirred Hawks awake as he sat up quickly, his gaze falling onto Izuku. He noticed the shaking, panic hitting him. Quickly he reached out, his hand gently touching Izuku's shoulder. As if on cue thunder echoed overhead. Izuku jumped, his body leaping toward Hawks. The sudden impact knocked the two over as he held tightly to Hawks clothing. Something wet pressed to the fabric of his shirt as he saw the glimmering tears when lightning illuminated the room. His heart dropped suddenly as he pulled Izuku closer, his finger trailing through his hair. 

Feeling the hand, Izuku relaxed. His breathing slowed enough to stop the panicking. Resting his head on Hawks chest, he felt himself fall back asleep. The warmth was welcoming and felt safe. Drifting into slumber, he wasn't aware of the smile pressed to Hawks face. He held Izuku close to his chest as he shifted the blanket. Pulling it over them he glanced out the window as another bolt of lightning lit up the evening sky, followed by thunder. He listened to Izuku's steady breathing, causing himself to be at ease. Hawks couldn't help but think back to Eraserhead's words. 

"If you change your mind at all, don't be afraid to tell me." He chuckled silently. He had been stubborn and so assure of himself, yet here he was, doubting his own response to those words. Izuku was unlike others he had spoken to or allied himself with. There was a gentle nature buried beneath the small male beside him. He was special, unlike the rest of society. 

Closing his eyes, he leaned his head to the side a bit. Green hair cushioned his chin as he kept a tight wrap around Izuku. He felt there was a need in his heart to help Izuku. To protect him. His safety felt important. His one promise to himself was to keep Izuku from the dangers of society.

'Who would have thought someone could change my life so easily...'


Hope you all are enjoying the story thus far! I am excited to keep this up and looking forward to any comments.

As a question to my readers, let me know what your favorite MHA ship is! ^_^

Have a wonderful day/evening <3

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