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Izuku had noticed a change in the group he had spoken with. They were more gentle about what they said, leading Izuku to have sneaking suspicions. He figured Hawks had something to do with the sudden difference. It wasn't that Izuku minded, it was more of the fear factor of what Hawks spoke about. He didn't have a good background and was more then willing to bring the truth to the grave with him. Those fourteen years were hell that no one would understand.

Over the week had allowed the group closer. To his surprise, the group wasn't all that bad and could be entertaining. In class he found himself talking to them, occasionally getting scolded. Izuku even found himself thinking more about Hawks. The hero had his attractions, minus the chicken obsession. He was fun to be around and there was a feeling of security whenever Izuku was close to him. 

"Listen up class!" Aizawa's voice stirred Izuku as he sat quietly in the back, his gaze shifting from Hawks to the teacher. "As you know, tomorrow we are going to USJ. Most have submitted a form, so the rest best hurry and give it first thing in the morning. This is important, so no stalling. We leave early, understood?" 

"Yes Sensei." The class spoke in unison, Izuku remaining silent. He was expecting some sort of lesson, but before they all knew it, Aizawa had crawled into a sleeping back. Hawks stood in the front, disbelief on his expression. For being around for more than a week, neither of the two were used to Aizawa's habits.

"Hey Izuku!" Uraraka spoke loudly, drawing his emerald gaze. She wore a beaming smile as she leaned on his desk. She spoke softly, avoiding the chance the class heard her. "So, you going to make a move of Hawks?"

"Make a move?" She chuckled at his confusion before smirking.

"Oh, come on! I see the way you look at him Izuku." A slight red hue brushed over his face as he turned away, Todoroki approaching quietly. He dragged a seat behind him before sitting beside Izuku.

"You teasing him Uraraka?" She nodded briefly before clapping her hands together.

"I am trying to get Izuku to admit his feelings for bird boy!" Izuku narrowed his gaze at the name.

"Don't call him that... His name is Hawks." Todoroki and Uraraka met each other's gaze before she grinned manically. It startled Izuku, but he pushed the feeling aside as she walked toward Hawks. "Where is she going?"

"Probably to plot something. Just ignore her for now." Izuku nodded before closing his eyes, his head hitting the table.

The rest of the day was pretty average. Classes were boring and the training was pointless. He had no luck working on his, especially since he refused to explain his quirk in full. There was a hatred for his quirk, which most of the class could see. Some tried to pry the information, but each time Izuku was upset, they backed off. He was at least thankful for that.

After the final class, Izuku found himself wandering toward the dorm room he was given. Him and Hawks has rooms beside each other, which was comforting for Izuku. He at least knew where he could go if a storm hit. Hawks was weirded out by the situation, having to room in the student area. Once he understood why, he never questioned it again.

"Izu~" Hawks voice pulled him from his mind as he glanced behind him. Ref wings moved slightly as soft hair bounced with each step. Izuku felt a smile pull over his expression.

"Hey Hawks. Weren't you supposed to help Aizawa after classes?" There was a lingering silence before he shrugged.

"Didn't feel like it. I wanted some time with you!" The words brought a blush to Izuku as his heart stuttered slightly.

I-I... Wha-what?" Izuku's eyes widened as he turned away, his feet daring him to run off. He wanted to, but couldn't the moment a hand caught his. It all happened quickly, too quickly. Izuku felt himself pulled back, his body spinning and landing against Hawks chest. Wings wrapped around him, blocking the escape. "Ha-Hawks..." 

"Izu, listen to me. I need to say something, okay?" There was a long silence as Izuku nodded, his body purely red with embarrassment. His heart was hammering in his chest and Hawks smell left Izuku's mind swirling. "Within the time I've know you, I can't help but find my gaze falling onto you. You brought a happiness into my life that I felt wasn't deserved. I guess what I am trying to say is that your important to me. I think I've fallen for you."

"..." Izuku felt his breath hitch. He wasn't sure the emotion he was feeling. It made his body feel weightless. The pounding of his heart echoed in his mind.

"I don't need an answer now, but I thought you deserved to know the truth. I couldn't really hide it anymore." Hawks removed his wings before releasing Izuku. The sudden loss of warmth left Izuku feeling lonely. He watched as Hawks back turned to him, feet beginning to move away. His heart felt like it would shatter if he let Hawks walk away. Without thinking he reached out, his nails catching the fabric before he stepped forward, his head gently resting on Hawks back.

"I-I like you...like r-really like you..." The stutter drew a soft smile on Hawks expression as he spun around, catching Izuku off guard. A hand gently landed on Izuku chin, rising his head. Soft lips met his own as Izuku felt his heart practically leap from his chest. Though the kiss was short, it left Izuku breathless. Hawks chuckled as he hugged Izuku tightly.

"From now on, I won't let you go Izuku. You are my world, you understand?" Tears trailed Izuku's face as he nodded. He had wished his mother had said those words. That she had kept him around and loved him. But she hadn't. The love he had as a child was something he lost, yet here he was. The cold demeanor and shell he built to protect himself crumbling before them. It felt like a weight was lifted. Like the hole in his heart was closing. He couldn't deny that he loved the feeling. It made him feel alive.

Made him feel human.


Wanted to give my baby Izu some love! From here begins their adventure and relationship ^_^

A Dangerous Love - DekuHawksWhere stories live. Discover now