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The entire ride back to the station was dreadful. No one spoke as Aizawa remained in the driver's seat, his gaze occasionally meeting Hawks'. The Hero was seated with one of his wings around Izuku. The small frame of the young man had leaned into Hawks, as if accepting the warmth and safety the hero offered. It left Aizawa wondering whether the boy was completely gone or if there was a hope of recovery. His tired expression and bags under his eyes offered evidence Izuku hadn't slept well within the years. Not only that, he was skin and bones.

"Hey Eraserhead! I was wondering about the kid..." Aizawa sighed before focusing on the road. Hawks was new to the Pro Heroes, which left him unaware of previous cases.

"Izuku Midoriya was a case fourteen years ago. He went missing and after two years of searching with no benefit, his mother called it off. He was declared dead... But I never expected him to be alive in a place like the black market." Hawks nodded briefly before his gaze wandered to the thin frame. Without thinking he wrapped his wing closer, a small smile twitching at his mouth when Izuku snuggled closer. Even Aizawa felt relief seeing Izuku relaxed. He deserved peace of mind, especially after fourteen years of unknown problems. 

"Are you going to tell his mother?" There was a lingering silence as Aizawa shook his head slightly.

"She's moved on and created a new family. Honestly, I don't want her world falling apart because he was alive the entire time even after she had given up on searching. She wouldn't forgive herself for abandoning him..."

"You're right. It's a rough situation to be in, that's for sure. Wonder what happened all those years he was missing." Aizawa shrugged before he turned the corner, the station coming into view.

"We won't know until Izuku can explain the gaps in time. Only he knows what really happened."

Aizawa pulled up the curb before he stepped out, his eyes spotting the group of people pushed behind a line. Camera's flashed as Hawks scowled at the amount of media waiting for their arrival. Carefully he pulled Izuku into his arms before stepping out. The bright light irritated his eyes, but he ignored it as he used his wings to shield Izuku. The smaller male seemed to hear the shouts and clicking as he trembled slightly. Hawks gave a weak smile before he tightened his hold, offering assurance to the male. 

"Come on. Hurry inside and to the back room." Giving a slight nod, Hawks hurried inside before Aizawa followed after. Once inside the station Hawks allowed Izuku to stand on his own. He remained glued to the hero, his green wings trailing the floor as they moved down the hall together. He couldn't help but feel a slight joy knowing Izuku was trusting of him.

The closer they got toward the back room, the more Izuku seemed to stress about the situation. His gaze moved rapidly to each new face, his eyes narrowing. Hawks had noticed before pulling him slightly closer. The action eased Izuku slightly as he lowered his head, canines bared at whoever made eye contact. Seeing the aggression on random people and the way Izuku acted forced a short chuckle from Hawks before they came to the interrogation room at the end. Aizawa opened the door, directing Izuku in. At first he hesitated, but after Hawks tugged him to follow, Izuku stepped inside. 

"Take a seat, okay? I will be right back." Hawks spoke softly, prompting Izuku to sit. To Aizawa's surprise, Izuku did exactly that. 

"We need to talk for a moment, figure things out." Nodding, Hawks gave a weak smile as the door closed, locking Izuku in. Neither knew what it would draw as a reaction, but Hawks prayed it wouldn't have a lasting effect.

They had made their way toward the room connected, the glass allowing vision of Izuku. He seemed normal at first, his gaze watching the door. The sight brought a wave of regret in Hawks. There was a good chance Izuku was watching for him. Frowning, he faced Aizawa before the older man began to speak.

"We need to find a way to bring him back into society." 

"That's a bit more complex I am guessing!" Aizawa nodded before leaning against the glass, his gaze dropping.

"I was going to place him in another heroes care, but he doesn't trust anyone. To my surprise, he took an instant liking to you. It may be because you share a similarity to him, but I can't really know the reason." Hawks sighed before taking another peak at Izuku.

"You want to put him with me... Is there really no one else to take this job on?" 

"Afraid not. The reaction he had toward All Might is the reaction he has to everybody. You're the only one he might listen to. Whether he views you as parental figure, or someone equal to himself, you're all we got. He can't head back into the real world as he is." There was a sharp inhale as Hawks nodded slightly.

"How long will it be?" 

"As long as it takes to be honest. This is serious Hawks. He hasn't had a life to live, meaning his human aspects are probably buried under primal ones. It's not a simple task, but I feel it will be a needed change to you both. I know about you locking yourself inside your house unless there is a job. Maybe the company will be a good thing." Silence followed after the statement. Hawks knew Aizawa wasn't wrong. He had a habit of isolating himself and wearing the façade of a flirt in the public. 

"Is it just pulling him back to reality?" There was a brief nod before he shrugged, his hand reaching for a paper resting in his pocket. Holding it out Hawks grabbed it before viewing it, his face dropping. "No."

"Hawks. This is the best way." 

"You want me to be an assistant for your class. I don't know the first thing about teaching Eraserhead..." He scowled before scratching his head.

"It is the fastest way to help him. I can't have Izuku attend the school without your supervision. He listens to you, so this is how it has to be." Hawks gave a grimace before sighing, his hand fixing the glasses on his head.

"Fine... But I won't do it forever. I give three months." Aizawa nodded, content on the answer.

"Three months of teaching and helping Izuku. If you change your mind at all, don't be afraid to tell me." 

"Doubt I will. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've a new body to fit into my home." He turned around quickly before leaving the room, Aizawa watching as he opened the other door. Izuku was up instantly, his arms reaching outward and wrapping around Hawks torso. He couldn't suppress the chuckle as he viewed Hawks briefly smiling. Aizawa couldn't help but ignore Hawks previous words. There would be a change in the future, though he couldn't entirely know what the change would be. He could only hope they both aided the other in a positive effect.

A Dangerous Love - DekuHawksWhere stories live. Discover now