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What did I just do? Where did that come from? It has to be the skirt

Damn it, Ginny

At least now he's looking at you

Yeah, like he wants to eat me

And that's bad because...?

Hermione could feel him looking at her

Should I tell him I was joking?

And ruin the fun?

Hermione awkwardly cleared her throat

She grabbed one of the files and walked towards his desk, she could tell he's watching every step she was taking

"I need you to look over this, let me know if it's good to send," Hermione said

"It's fine Granger," he said, not looking at it

"Malfoy...look at it," Hermione said

He took the file from Hermione's hand, he read it over and Hermione took this time to admire him

Why does he have to be so bloody hot?

"Like what you see Granger?"

Abort mission, run!

"Uh...I'm..." Hermione stuttered

I'm going to crawl in a hole and die

"The file looks good, it's fine to send," he said, a smirk on his face due to Hermione's reaction

"Thank you" she whispered

You are going to die alone

They worked in silence, stealing glances at one another, Hermione couldn't breathe, it was getting hot in the office and Draco's lingering stare was not helping, she put her hair up in a bun, she stretched her neck and accidentally moaned when it cracked

She didn't notice Draco shuffling in his chair, trying to hide a rising boner

She stretched her back, putting her hands behind her and causing her chest to stick out, revealing the bralette she was wearing

Draco mentally cursed, he hoped something or someone would come in or else he was going to go over to Hermione and slam her over her desk and have his way with her

The doors opened and in walked Harry with Ron in tow

"Mione, you busy?" Harry asked "Malfoy," he said


Hermione looked up at her friends

"I'm not busy, why?"

"We need you to look over something" Ron added

Hermione stood up and walked over them, not noticing that Ron and Harry's eyes almost fell out of their sockets

"What do you need me to look at?" Hermione asked

"Uh...Um...t...Ron?" Harry stuttered

Ron's jaw had met the floor

"Uh...you two okay?" Hermione asked

"We'll come back," Harry said, dragging Ron with him

"That was weird," she said

Draco nodded, he hated how other men looked at Hermione, granted he would never tell her how he felt but that doesn't mean he can picture murdering the guys who look at her with the intention of bedding her

Two Meddling witches and two hopeless loversWhere stories live. Discover now