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"Ouch, Pansy that's my hair"

"Move over will you?"

The two women were looking into the cauldron, they could see their two new victims from the comforts of their own home

"Please don't tell me what I think your doing" an new voice sighed, looking up they saw their husbands

"And what would that be?" Ginny asked

"Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger's relationship" Blaise said

Both women looked at one another

"We know you two went into their own houses and changed their luggage contents" Harry said

"And what you two are the reason why Hermione had to change her style these last few weeks" Blaise added

"It's not out fault that her dry cleaners was closed" Pansy said

"Entirely...not entirely our fault" Ginny mumbled

"Ginny" Harry began

"Look! They're on a date" Ginny said

Harry mumbled something and made his way to the cauldron, he looked in and chuckled

"They're at McDonald's, I don't think that's a date" he told his wife and her partner in crime

"What in the name of Salazar Slytherin is a 'McDonald's'?" Pansy asked

He sighed and remembered that he was with three purebloods who didn't understand the use of fast food

"This will be a long night" he mumbled to himself

He began to explain and as he said, it was a long night that, as expected, ended him taking three purebloods into the muggle world and to a McDonald's in order to explain it better, they wanted to try everything that was on the menu

Two Meddling witches and two hopeless loversWhere stories live. Discover now