December! You Know What That Means

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Bad dug through the boxes in his storage unit. He had offered the others one but they all had too little stuff for the need for one. Which was disappointing.

They hadn't really done anything for the past few months. Except for Classes, mild decorating for Halloween, the occasional fight between themselves, and relative silence amongst each other.
Clay and George made no effort to go to any social gatherings. George never talked about the bruise to anyone but Clay, and they were quick to cover it up with turtlenecks or makeup from Sapnap whenever they got the chance.

Sapnap started coming out of his shell but the more he came out of his shell the more he cursed and the more he and the other 2 would fight.
George almost set something on fire after trying to cook for the others ending in the house smelling like smoke for a few days and them avoiding the kitchen at all costs.

Skeppy began texting more frequently, coming over more often, even calling up whenever he wasn't in class. It wasn't necessarily a problem, just worrying.

This didn't mean that they did nothing together just... Very little.
Bad was missing the first few months before the incident where they just sort of, did a ton together. As if they were friends. Family.

Bad whiped the tears from his eyes.
He knew what he had to do. And there was no way he was going to let them get off easy!
He whistled softly as he attempted to drag a large heavy red box out of his unit.

"Well aren't you everywhere?" A slightly familiar voice asked, it was rather deep and monotone.
Bad turned and was met with a vaguely familiar face with grown out pink hair.

"Uh... Hi?" Bad stammered.
"Nick with ya'?" The guy asked.
So, he was a friend of Nick's?
"Oh, no he's back home I think. Do I know you?" Bad stammered.
The man paused to think.
"I helped Nick move into your house, believe we were both at that festival in the summer too," the man replied.

"Oh! Dave right? Jeez, it's been a while!" Bad chuckled softly.
"Yeah," the pink-haired man hummed.
His hair was different, his brown roots were now covered and it was less dull, his entire head of hair was now a bright vibrant hot pink. And unlike a few months prior where it had only reached his shoulders it now sat a bit below mid-chest and was braided into a loose braid.

"Your hair's different," Bad pointed out.
Dave chuckled.
"Yeah, I redyed it, Phil was adamant that I not because of some stupid tradition but Tommy likes the pink, and who could say no to Tommy right? That's a joke, everyone can say no to Tommy," Dave grumbled slightly instinctively tugging at his braid.

Bad just smiled at him till he stopped rambling slightly. Bad didn't know who Tommy or Phil were but they sounded important to Dave.

Then he pointed at the box Bad was half dragging back to his small car.
"Need any help with that?" He asked.
Bad glanced down at the box then back up at Dave before grinning.
"I'd love that! Thank you!" He agreed his eyes sparkling.
Dave walked through the maze of boxes and random furniture to Bad.

He climbed over to the other side of the red box and hauled his side up.
He whistled softly and raised an eyebrow.
"D*mn, what is it?" Dave asked as they maneuvered the box out of the unit.
"Language, and Christmas decorations!" Bad replied smiling.

Dave glanced up. The only cars around were a small white car and his truck.
"That your car?" Dave asked motioning his head towards the small white car.

Bad nodded.
"There's no way you have space in that thing," Dave scoffed.
Bad hummed and softly replied, "I'll just do one at a time, it would only be 4 trips!"

"Why don't we put them in the back of my truck? I can drive them back to your place and you can follow in your small *ss car," Dave offered.
"Language. Sure, I guess," Bad hummed fixing his grip on the box.

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