Christmas Shopping With A Bike o' Bees

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"Do you have money?" Dream asked.
Drista gawked at the general size of the mall. It wasn't a necessarily big mall.

Ok, it was pretty big.
But it's cool. It's fine. KEEP IT TOGETHER!!!

"Drista!" Dream snapped his fingers in front of her face.
She blinked and nodded.
"Do you have money?" Dream asked.
"Yep!" Drista nodded patting her purse.

"Do you know where you're meeting them?" Dream asked.
"Food court!" Drista replied practically bouncing in her seat.

"Need my hel-?"
"Nope! I got this!" Drista replied quickly opening up the door.
"Oh- ok! If you need anything just call!" Dream called after her as she shut the door and rushed in.

Oh boy...

"Aaaaaye! Drista!" Tommy cheered waving from his spot in line at a pizza place.
Drista waved back rushing to the blond. Drista attempted to keep her attention focused on Tommy and not the older bearded man glaring at them.

"Tommy! Where's Tubbo?" Drista asked?
"Ah, not here yet. We can get him a piece tho! He usually takes Cheese, like the basic b*tch he is!" Tommy chirped hooking his hands behind his head.
Drista laughed.
"I usually do Pepperoni, you know, because I'm even more basic," Drista joked.
"Uuuuugh! I'm surrounded by basic people!" Tommy whined.

When they got to the front they ordered. The slices were too large to get 2 each so instead they each got 1 slice, a drink for each, and a piece of candy for each.

Tommy took a bite of his pizza and began drumming the table with the palms of his hands.

"Weeeeee're waiting for our Tubbo, we know he'll get here soo~oon. If only his mom wasn't - so bad at dir-rec-tions!" Tommy sang jokingly to the tune of The Adams Family.
"Waiting for Tubs!" Drista joined with a laugh.
Clap clap.
"Waiting for Tubs!"
Clap clap.
"Waiting for Tubs, waiting for Tubs, waiting for Tubs!"
Clap clap!

Both burst into laughter and took another bite of their pizzas before repeating their chant.
At some point, it drifted off and they started an actual conversation. Although occasionally one would start to hum it and they'd start singing it again.

Finally when Tommy spotted Tubbo and his mom enter the center of the mall he beamed.
"Tubbo is here!" Tommy proclaimed.
Clap clap.
"Ah, you right sorry."
"Tubbo is here!" Tommy sang once more.
Clap clap!
"Tubbo is here!" Drista sang.
Clap clap.
"Tubbo is here! Tubbo is here! TUBBO IS HERE!" Both sang together in messy harmony.
Slam slam.

"Just gotta be dramatic aye? That poor table," Drista teased.
Tommy laughed and leaned back in his chair, almost causing it to tip over.
"Tommy, Drista!" Tubbo called happily rushing up to the duo, his mom close behind.

"Big T, hey! Glad you finally made it!" Tommy greeted with a high-five.
"We got you pizza!" Drista informed.
"Heck yeah! Sorry 'bout being late, had to pick up my sister from practice and then convince her not to come," Tubbo shrugged.
"You have a sister?" Drista asked.
"She's ok," Tommy grinned.

"He has no sisters so he steals others, why do you think he got attached to you so quickly. But no seriously she's ok, she's 12, almost 13," Tubbo informed.
"Lani's the not dyslexic Tubbling," Tommy teased.
Tubbo laughed and shook his head.

"Moooom, you gonna greet Drista or not?" Tubbo asked turning to his mom.
It took three beats for his mom to simply reply with, "Not."
She handed them each a wad of cash and walked out.

It took far longer for the teenagers to process what the heck just happened.
"Ok... Merry Christmas..." Drista hummed finally, even after she was long gone.

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