Christmas Tree and Invitations

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"I'm excited!" Sap rambled, squeezing Dream's biceps instinctively in excitement.
He paused and squeezed again before asking, "how strong are you?"
"Enough to carry milk, unlike you," Dream retorted.
Sap frowned.

George laughed as he parked the car.
Sap looked out the window and let out an excited squeal.
"What?" George asked as Sap swung the door open and yanked the seatbelt off.

He hopped out and ran to the truck.
Bad also recognized the truck and couldn't help but smile.
The rest climbed out and trailed over to Sap where he was already in a conversation with the passenger of the truck.

"Hey Techno!" Bad greeted.
"Bad, George-" Techno greeted.
"DREAM!" A boy with blond fluffy hair ran u from behind, only wearing a red and white t-shirt and a red scarf.
"Tommy, where's your coat?" Techno asked from inside the car.

"It ain't that cold ya wuss," the blond rolled his eyes, ignoring his own chattering of teeth.
Techno let out an irritated huff before climbing out of the car. He walked past the housemates(roll credits), slipped his fluffy red coat off, and flung it over the younger boy's shoulders.

The younger pouted irritated but made no move to shrug it off. Instead, he pulled it further around himself and dug into the pink-haired guy's side.
"Techno, Tommy," Dream chuckled.
Techno glared at Dream but said nothing in reply.

"The trees are over there, you can just walk right in," Techno pointed off to the right of the store.
"Thanks!" Bad bowed his head.
George and Dream began off in that direction.
Sap smiled wide and waved to Tommy.

"Hi, Tommy! You guys here with Phil and Wilbur?" Sap asked grabbing Bad's arm and rushing to stand in front of Techno.
"Duh! Ain't like Techno can drive without crashing the car!" Tommy scoffed.

Sap knew quite a bit about them but one thing he knew for sure was the fact that Techno was a good driver. Maybe it was because of the excuses Sap often used?
"IT WAS ONLY THREE TIMES TOMMY!" Techno snapped lightly shoving the younger away.

"TWO OF WHICH I WAS IN THE CAR FOR!" Tommy retorted sticking his tongue out at the pink-haired boy.
"Toms, Techy!" A third party called.
Both winced.
Bad smiled and Sap laughed.

"Wanna go over together?" Techno offered.
Bad nodded and Sap immediately began rambling. Techno and Bad stayed quiet while Sap and Tommy rambled.

"There you boys are!" A blond with shoulder-length hair greeted the quartet.
"Hey, Dadza!" Tommy greeted waving.
"Why don't you 2 go help Wilbur, yeah?" The older man urged.
Tommy shot off into the rows of pine trees.
Techno scoffed lightly and followed after him.

"Nick! Good to see you again!" He greeted.
"Hi, Phil!" Sap returned the greeting.
The older in question absently adjusted his white and green bucket hat.
"Who's your friend?" Phil asked.
"Oh, this is-" Sap began pulling Bad to his side.

"LANGUAGE!" Bad called out into the sea of trees.
"F*CK YOU SAPNAP!" Dream yelled back.
"LANGUAGE!" Bad yelled again.
"SORRY BAD!" Both Dream and George called back.

"As I was saying.... This is BadBoyHalo!" Sap chuckled Bad blushed.
Phil laughed and held out a hand for the oldest of the muffin quartet to take. Bad gladly took the hand and Sap grinned wildly.
"Ok, I'm off!" Sap declared rushing off into the sea of trees.

"They're gonna find a way to kill themselves, I feel it," Bad sighed, Phil laughed.
"You the dad of the group?" Phil asked motioning for Bad to follow him within the trees, Bad did.

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