15. Shattering Yells and Conflicting Actions

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Yua called desperately, slipping down a concrete path illuminated by street lamps.  She saw a distant figure sitting on a bench not too far away and she instantly recognized the figure as Ema.

Yua's whole body melted in relief as she ran over to the bench.  "Ema..." Yua called hoarsely, standing a few feet away. 

Ema was unresponsive and didn't look up from the ground.

"Ema?  Are you okay?" Yua asked, stepping closer to her sister.

"Did you know?" Ema finally spoke up, meeting Yua's eyes.  Yua was shocked by her sister's tone and expression and instantly became nervous about what exactly her sister discovered.  The blonde's eyes traveled toward the soaked paper in Ema's hands.  Her breath quickened at the sight, but she forced herself to keep calm as she looked back at Ema.

"Know about what?" She asked.

Ema lifted the paper slightly but didn't seem to be able to muster up the strength t lift her whole arm.  "That I'm adopted."

Yua stayed silent for a few moments until finally, she muttered-


Ema stared at her.  "Why didn't you tell me?"

Yua looked off to the side.  "I didn't think it was my place to tell-"

"Of course it is!" Ema suddenly yelled with newfound strength, standing up with clenched fists.  "You're my sister, of course, I would believe you'd tell me something like this!"  Ema slammed the paper into Yua's chest, their noses touching from their close proximity, Ema's narrowed eyes glared into Yua's tired ones.

"I'm sorry, Ema...  I didn't know-"

"You didn't know what?" Ema interrupted Yua once again, throwing the paper to the ground, her brown eyes watery.  Tears streamed down Ema's face as she continued, her voice cracking "That I'd react that this?  Finding out that my family never told me I didn't really belong?  That I'd feel like some burden who over welcomed their stay?"

Yua's eyes widened.  "No!  We don't think you're a burden, Ema!" She gripped Ema's wrists tightly, staring desperately into Ema's eyes "Ema, you're my sister- blood-related or not!  I still love you!"  Yua began to cry, gritting her teeth as she did.  She closed her eyes and looked away, still holding onto Ema's wrists.  "I'm sorry, Ema...so sorry..."  Yua sobbed quietly.  She could barely be heard over the thunderous rain.

Yua felt soft cold lips press to her cheek and opened her eyes to see Ema staring up at her with a small broken smile.  "I love you too, Yua...I just wish I was told sooner."

"Ema..." Yua sobbed out, hugging Ema's small form tightly.  Ema returned the hug, placing reassuring kisses on Yua's neck.  Yua felt horrible that Ema had to be the one to console her, but she just couldn't stop her tears from falling.

Yua eventually calmed down and placed her forehead against Ema's with a sigh.  She opened her eyes to see Ema staring into her own russet ones.  "Yua..." Ema mumbled.

"Yeah?" Yua asked.

"I..." Ema sighed and shook her head.  "We should probably go back now, we don't want to catch a cold."  Yua nodded and went to pull away, but Ema grabbed her arms gently and kept her in place.

"What is it?" Yua asked.

Ema stayed silent for a moment before she spoke with a wavering voice "I'm sorry for acting like a child.  I just keep causing trouble for you and everyone else...I'm sorry-"

Yua kissed Ema.  Ema was surprised, but not disgusted and hurt like how she was when the brothers kissed her, because she knew Yua had no ulterior motive besides comforting Ema.  And probably to also shut her up...Yua always used to do that when they were little, and it had become normal.  That is until their father lectured them, but they just never understood what was wrong with it.  They weren't having any corrupt thoughts when it happened, but now that they were older, Ema guessed she could understand how it was unnatural for their father.  But not for them.  It was just how they were.  Sisters.  Ema's heart warmed at that word.  

Yua didn't kiss her for long, it was only a small peck.  When she pulled away she smiled.  "Don't be sorry for having emotions, Ema.  It's not healthy to have everything build up like this, so I'm glad you shared how you felt."

Ema beamed at her sister, content that Yua had found her.  She didn't know what she'd do if one of the brothers found her.  She loved them, but she didn't think she could express her feelings of frustration like how she did with Yua.  She did still feel bad about how she acted but knew she didn't have to say anything more for Yua to understand.

Ema sighed.  "I'm still confused about how I feel with this discovery, though..." She glanced away.

Yua nodded.  "That's understandable, I'll kick any of the guy's asses who try to get near you."  That made Ema laugh.

Yua sighed.  "All right, now it's really about time we should go." Ema nodded with a smile as Yua led her back home, holding her hand.  Despite the cold weather, Yua's hand warmed Ema's.  Ema clutched at her heart painfully as she stared down at their intertwined hands.

Could they stay the same as they were after this?  Could they go back to just being plain old sisters, even after Ema found out she was adopted?  Ema shook her head.  Of course, they'd still be sisters!  But would they be able to act the same?  Ema didn't know if she could, no matter how much she loved Yua.  Yua, who was always by her side, taking the brunt of things for Ema, loving her unconditionally... Ema wanted to keep everything the way it was.  For Yua.

When Ema came back to her senses, she realized they were already right outside the front door of Sunrise Residence.  She went to walk in, ready to take a shower but was stopped by Yua.


Ema turned and looked up at Yua curiously.  "Yes?"

Yua smiled at her.  "You don't have to force things to go back to normal.  Whatever happens next- we'll deal with it.  Together."

Ema choked on her words, tears forming in her eyes once again.  That's the big sister she knew.  The big sister who always knew what was troubling her and always knew the right answers.  Ema ran into Yua's arms, clutching her tightly.


"ACHOO!" Ema sneezed.

Masaomi sighed, standing to the side of Ema's head that laid on her bed.  "Yep, she's got the cold." He held up a thermometer.

Ukyo shook his head.  "I'll make some soup for dinner tonight."

Ema sniffled.  "I'm sorry for all the trouble everyone," She muttered, congested. 

Yua smiled from where she sat at the foot of the bed.  "It's alright, Ema.  You're the family's princess, after all, we don't mind taking care of you for once."  She placed her hand on Ema's leg above the many covers.

Wataru nodded with a big grin, laying across Yua's lap.

Ema giggled.  "You guys are the best."


Alright, I feel so accomplished right now.  Not only did I make this chapter in under an hour, but it's also longer than the last chapter!  Thank goodness.

Thank you everyone for your support!  It really helps me!  I love you all!  :)

And now for the chapter question~

What do you all think about Yua and Ema's strange relationship?  And thoughts on what will happen from now on?  Maybe something will change within the household?  

Comment below!  Your responses always make my day, it shows that you really enjoy my story, and I'm happy about that!

- Vincent.

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