That's My Decision.

388 19 13

-- Kenma's POV --

His mom had given him a week to decide- a week to settle on a lifelong partner. That didn't really seem like much, but to most people during that time, getting a choice would be a blessing. Most marriages were often arranged by parents, who took several factors into consideration when choosing a partner for their child. It was common belief that one should trust their parents, and the parents must choose a partner best for their child. Children sometimes had a say with the decision, but it really depended on the family. In any case, it was rare for anyone to choose their own spouse. 

Kenma had an easy decision- really there wasn't anything to "debate" on, really. Sure, Langelica could probably help him with his work better than y/n, but he figured he and y/n would be able to figure it out. After all, y/n was responsible (enough), and nothing really seemed to change too much. He felt no connection with Langelica, and he couldn't really care. Probably, with y/n's last letter to him describing her and Langelica's recent pleasant conversations, he'd have her as an advisor or something; that would be good. Plus, he and y/n were soulmates, shouldn't that be enough of a reason?

He absolutely hated where he was going- well, more like what he was going to do. He knew he had the final say, but it was just really hard to say, "I chose y/n and that's it." He absolutely knew his mom was going to try to persuade him to choose someone else, probably Langelica or even Daphne- he saw his mother show some partialness to Daphne at some times. 

As he entered his mother's office, he took a look at one of the guards with a nervous face, which almost said, "Uh-", and took a seat on one of the fancy chairs she kept in this room. She got to him right away after she sent a guard to deliver some papers she had just signed. 

"You've decided, yes?" she started, with a serious expression. Anyone could tell she was expecting one of the few people in her mind. 
"Yes. y/n- I chose y/n," Kenma said, expecting some sort of look of disappointment from his mother's face. The queen wasn't particularly surprised, but she was definitely thinking, "Why?" She knew y/n and Kenma had seemed to share some kind of bond, somehow, which she never really understood, other than thinking that it must've had to do with the whole soulmate thing. 
"Oh? Why?" she crossed her arms and leaned back, ready to listen to a whole story of "excuses". 

Kenma brought out the reasons he had brought to the table, while being interrogated by his mother. She was sharp, always finding some sort of hole in the argument. Most debatable topics had some sort of hole, weak point, etc.- and she had the ability to find that weakness in the point. One could say it was perceptiveness. The more he talked about y/n, the more he revealed about the bond you two had. He tried using the soulmate excuse, but his mother wouldn't believe in the whole excuse thing. Even though she had heard it herself from the High Priest, she still believed that a Queen was to be made from hard work, not something decided by the Goddess. She still believed in her, as that was her religion, but she was not as religious as everyone else. 

Kenma had brought up the point of "y/n knowing him very well", and his mother crossed her arms once again, "Oh?" He knew he messed up and had to tell her. Well, it would be a good argument point anyways. So, he lowered his guard, and started to tell her his whole past- the secret he and y/n had shared. He was nervous about telling her, but it would really help him win the argument. With telling the story, actually quite messily but still getting the point across just fine, his mother started to believe him a bit, especially with the "it happened because we're soulmates" reason for reincarnation. 

The Queen still wasn't sure if her son was making it up- she had no idea why he would choose y/n out of all the options he had, and she didn't necessarily trust y/n as much as Langelica. It could have been a scheme by her parents, people whom she didn't trust as much as well. Giving up on the position long ago and suddenly working hard for it- seemed suspicious to her.

-- Y/N's POV --

You were reading some novels in your room. It was the closest you had to anything immersive; video games, social media, light novels, anime- those weren't available and that was just sad. Well, there wasn't anything you could do about it anyways. The only thing you could do was do the best you could and find an interesting novel to read. The most popular trope these days was the one about a commoner becoming a princess- which probably described the mass's desire to become rich and royalty. Well, having money would be nice, you supposed. 

"Lady y/n, her majesty has arrived," Elisa informed you.

"Wha-" you blinked, not expecting this at all. Results were supposed to come at around this time, yes, but it was to be sent out by mail. For what reason would she have to come here herself, in person?

You hurried to the front door to greet her immediately, not caring how frantic you looked to the servants. You told them to prepare some tea in the guest room, anything was fine. You caught your breath as you neared the front door, as to not look as frantic in front of her highness, and greeted her with a curtsy, "Welcome, your majesty."

She greeted your back with a quick nod, less than what she would usually do. That really couldn't be good. You led her to the guest room, anxious to hear what she had to say to you. The small amount of words she was speaking was unusually small, which was definitely scary. The two of you sat down and the tea was served. 

"I have a question," she started off, taking a sip of her tea. You nodded. "How close are you with Kenma?"

You took a long sip of your tea. Does she know? Did he tell her?  You really didn't have much of an idea, but the look in her eye told you "I know something here". So, you decided to start general, and work your way to the point. You started off with what people already knew, so the lady sitting across you changed her question, "Do you believe in soulmates?" With that question, you were really sure about what she wanted to know. Lying would definitely be counted as treason, and the punishments for treason.... were not pretty to say the least. 

And so, you told her like you would a story. You started from the beginning, working your way through your history. At first, you started off a bit general; there wasn't much need to go into much detail anyways. You described how you first met when you were at school. You saw him around sometimes, but you really never talked to him that much, until you joined the boy's volleyball club as their manager. You didn't really want to be interrogated; it would be best if you could say as much as she wanted, but no more and no less, though you did get a bit sidetracked and told a couple more than enough funny stories of little antics and pranks that happened within the team. You started to talk with more affection, expressing your care for each one in the team, especially for Kenma when you got to him. You also ended up expressing your gratitude to Yaku, who literally saved your sanity by taking care of the rest of the rambunctious boys on the team. 

She listened on with a straight expression on her face, which one could tell that she was also thinking about Kenma's story. She was definitely thinking about how they lined up; this wasn't made up at all. And some of the ideas described and lifestyle were so different than in the kingdom that she doubted that anyone could come up with a life like that. One would need to be an extraordinary author to do so, especially because it just seemed so foreign to the ideas of the time of the kingdom. 

By the time you were done, it was already time for dinner, and you could smell the food waiting for you. It was one of your favorites, (fav meal), and you couldn't wait. You invited your guest over for dinner and she refused, saying that it was time for her to head back to the palace. You waved her goodbye, and headed to the dining room for dinner. 

A couple of days later, you received an invitation to the palace. You headed there, expecting to see all the other remaining candidates there, but you were the only one led into the waiting room. Perhaps she wanted to see you individually. After a few minutes, Kenma walked in, surprisingly, and sat next to you. Her highness showed up too, and smiled warmly, "Congratulations." He rested his head on your shoulder, continuing to fiddle with the marble maze thing that he had discovered recently. You smiled softly at him, missing the physical affection the two of you had before. 

A/N: I FINALLY GOT THIS DONE OAJEAISJEOFJSOAFJOSEJAJ I totally didn't put up an ask event on my tumblr and it was totally not only one person who participated... Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter and the series is nearing its end, wow

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