✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬- 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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-- Your POV--

You didn't know when you started getting those dreams. They kind of just appeared- and one day, you sort of put them together. The dreams you got every day told a story- a very long story. It was the story of a girl in a fantasy world. Well, it wasn't a fantasy world to her, but it did seem like a fantasy story to you. The world worked so differently than the one you lived in- it amazed you. The incredibly tall buildings and fast-paced lifestyle stood out to you the most- you thought that it was amazing how someone could live like that. You loved the mix of traditional culture and modern style, and you thought that it would be cool to live in a city like that. Sadly, that was all a part of your dreams, and you couldn't go there.

"Lady (y/n), it is time for you to visit the temple," one of your maids, Elisa, reminded you. You were the daughter of Duke and Duchess (l/n), and you were highly revered because of your status. You went to the temple every month, receiving the words of the Goddess from the High Priest about anything important. Well, anything the High Priest said would be automatically important. You didn't like going to the temple. It took so much of your day just to get some words. Honestly, you didn't even believe in the Goddess. You thought that some person long ago came up with the whole story for some power. Well, it worked.

"Yes, thank you for reminding me, Elisa. Do you have my dress prepared?" you sat up from your bed, which could probably fit 3-4 people comfortably and was also adorned with intricate designs- too fancy in your opinion.
"Yes, I have it prepared. Lila and Celia should be bringing it right about now," Elisa looked behind her to call for Lila and Celia. Just a few moments later, the two maids entered your massive room, and they started dressing you up.

You were used to this, since you had to go through this since you were young, but it still irritated you. You felt like you could be doing something else, something more productive. It was almost like when you had to do something, almost everything else looked more attractive. In your case, it was sitting down and being dressed and fixed up by your maids. You suddenly wanted to do the studying you had put off, and even replying to letters from possible suitors seemed more pleasing- even though you usually hated that.

After what felt like forever, the three maids were finally done with your dress, hair, shoes, and makeup. It took a few hours to do, and the whole time, you wished you could be doing something else, but you obviously couldn't. You were finally able to walk, and so you got up and stretched a bit while waiting for the carriage that was supposed to take you to the temple. It arrived soon after, and you got onto it, sitting across from your three maids. They were ordered to follow you everywhere, to ensure your safety and comfort. Though, it sort of did the opposite with your comfort- it was weird to have people following you around all day. You had started to feel that way when the dreams of the girl in the strange world began, and it never went away.

The ride was another bore. There was absolutely nothing to do other than staring through the window, which you did every time. It was pretty much the same view every time, just in different months, but you had gone there on the same route so many times it wasn't even interesting. Once you arrived at the temple, you walked in like you usually did and greeted the nuns, who led you to the High Priest.

They led you to the same room they led you each time. You were familiar with the temple like your own home, having gone there 12 times a year for your entire life. The room they led you to was a waiting room, the white walls decorated with gold patterns and carefully drawn paintings, the floor holding wooden chairs with white cushions, which were embroidered with patterns considered tribute to the Goddess. You sat on one of them, taking a sip of the tea that was just poured into the cup in front of you. You sipped on it as you waited for the High Priest, also eating some of the cookies place on the table in front of you.

You waited for about half an hour, and the High Priest came in, greeting you with a handshake like usual and leading you to the prayer room, which was as grand as could be. The dome-shaped ceiling made it seem like it was 3 floors from the top of the dome to the floor, and it was painted with drawings of supposedly the Goddess and her great deeds. Stained glass which made beautiful patterns adorned the walls of the praying room, along with gold patterns and carvings.

The two of you walked to the middle of the room, and you started the ritual. You knelt down with one knee propped up and your head facing downwards, and in front of you, the High Priest stood, his hands folded together and his head facing up, his eyes closed. That supposedly helped him hear the voice of the Goddess better. You didn't believe in that though; it all sounded like lies to you and you didn't even believe in the Goddess anyways. 

You sat there for what felt like an eternity, thinking about what you were going to do when you got back home. Well, you knew it would already be late at night when you arrived back, so it was really what you were going to do tomorrow. You had started to study the way in the girl in your dreams did, which you found much more effective than the methods you were taught. It was a bit harder and more focused, but it saved you a lot of time. Of course, you couldn't imitate all of the ways, as some used gadgets specific to her world, but you adapted them into what you could do and that worked fine. You also planned to write those letters. At this point, you didn't care if you sent the same message to each of the suitors- you were going to reject them all anyways and you barely knew them, so why would you put in all the effort to write them each personalized messages? You started to form the message in your head, mapping out an outline of it and some of the main points, more like excuses, you were going to say. You didn't plan on getting married yet, and you decided you wanted someone who truly loved you, not some guy wanting your position and status. Plus, you were one of the Queen's Candidates, which was given to each of the daughters of the Dukes and some outstanding people they found elsewhere from other houses. 

You were just about done with the outline with the letter when the High Priest called your name, "(y/n)." You looked up at him, eager to get this over with. You honestly didn't care what he had to say at this point; it was usually some stuff on what events will happen to you this month and what to look out for. 
"You are soulmates with the Prince," he said, with a serious face. You held back your laughter. "What?" you thought. "That's ridiculous." Intrigued, you decided to listen to the rest of what he had to say. 

"You are bound by the string of fate. Even when the Goddess tried to separate you, the string held you together, even between worlds. You'll meet him at the party." You blinked. That was all? You weren't going to get any other clues on who this soulmate person is or where you'll meet or anything? You caught yourself staring into space for a moment, and you quickly brought yourself back to reality. You thanked him for the words the same as always and walked out the door of the room a bit faster than usual, eager to try to figure out who your soulmate was. 

»»————- ♔ ————-««

Word Count: 1,396 words

A/N: I hope you liked reading this! I'm sorry this came out so late, I was writing for the oneshot book. Anyways, next up is Kenma's part in his POV! Thanks for reading! 💖 -Lili

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