Thoughts of Dreams, Dreams of Thoughts

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-- Your POV --

You were surprised he knew that name. No one else should know that name; you hadn't heard of anyone having this name besides the girl in your dreams. Nonetheless, why would he be reminded of it? Unless he knew what happened in your dreams, no one else would know. You hadn't even told your parents, maids, friends- you didn't tell anyone. It was a secret with you and yourself. The only thing that could be possible was that he had the same dreams as you-

You snapped back to reality when you realized he was being called over by one of his guards. It was apparently time for him to return to the palace. Once he was gone, you figured you should go back home as well. It was a tiring day, and it was late at night. So, you got up and started walking back into the party. If someone asked you where you went, you would just say that you were in the garden for a short walk. That was common, and no one would think much of it. 

Many were already leaving or had left already, and you said your goodbyes to people and hopped into your carriage, which had arrived earlier and was waiting for you. You greeted the driver, one of the servants you had known your entire life. He was a nice old man, and you believed that he was now at the age to retire. Yet, he still continued to work. You really thought he ought to retire already, but you heard he has a family he still needs to continue supporting. So, you let it be. You sat down in the carriage, kicking off your heels now that no one would be able to see you. You didn't even bother to sit up straight. After all, no one could see you anyways, so did it matter? 

As soon as you arrived home, you went straight to bed. You changed out of the way-too-fancy dress you wore to the party and into comfortable sleepwear. As soon as you could, you flopped onto your bed and pulled the sheets over. You still kind of wanted to think about what happened, but you were absolutely exhausted and fell asleep instantly. 

The first thing you noticed the next morning was how the sunlight entered your room. It was really quite similar to how it entered in the morning in your dreams; it always seemed to wake both you and the girl up in the same way. You thought it was odd, but it could just be one of those rare coincidences. Well, it's possible. You stretched as you woke yourself up; you felt really very refreshed after a long rest. It was almost noon at this point, the latest you had woken up in years. Well, it did make sense. The party ended at almost three in the morning, and it was absolutely tiring. 

You then changed into something a bit more presentable for breakfast, something nobles did in their own homes. Honestly, you thought it was pointless. It was your own home, why do you need to change to outside clothes? It was just way too much effort for a pointless cause. Nonetheless, that was how society was, and you had to follow its rules. 

You arrived at the breakfast table, well, now lunch table since breakfast had been over hours ago. You were absolutely starving, not having eaten much at the party and waking up late. You could smell the (favorite food) as soon as you entered, and your stomach growled as you sat down in your seat. You instantly started to eat your food, paying no attention to whatever your parents were saying. They quickly gave up, sighing and letting you just eat. 

As soon as you finished, you relaxed and sighed in satisfaction. This was exactly what you needed after last night, and it was wonderful. Paying absolutely no mind to your parents, you left the room and walked back to your room, only thinking about the prince and your dreams. That was the only thing on your mind, and you had come to the conclusion that he had the same dreams as well. 

After all, what else could it be? There's no way someone else could have told him; you haven't told anyone. You also figured it was something to do with being soulmates with him. Perhaps you shared dreams of something; you didn't know. Nonetheless, you were interested, and you were going to write to him about it. 

"Lady (y/n), a letter from the High Priest has arrived," Elisa informed you, coming into your room without you knowing. This happened often, and if you told her to stop, she definitely would, but it's always been like that, so you just let it continue. It's not like there's too much to hide from her. Well, it's always just been one thing, which you were sure was turning into a multitude of things...

You opened the letter as it was handed to you and Elisa walked out. It said:
Dear Lady (y/n),
I hope you are doing well. I have informed the queen that you are the prince's soulmate. In order to prevent an uproar, she has asked the church and the (l/n) family to keep it a secret. You are still required to prove your worth as a queen's candidate and pass the trials, even though you are the prince's soulmate. 
May the Goddess bless you, the High Priest
You sighed as you crumpled up the paper and tossed it in the trash bin by your desk. As if you didn't predict this would happen. The queen was always like this; she would never really care about soulmates much. She wanted a successor who was capable for the job. You were still fairly certain that she would want you as the prince's concubine, but you weren't really a fan of that. 

By any rate, you were just tired of this. All of this relating to the queen and the prince and all that soulmate stuff- it was quite draining to think about. But, the soulmate part did pique your interest, especially when he revealed the name of the girl in your dreams. You knew the girl more than anyone else you knew, as if she was your own self. And the fact that the prince knew her name- that was big. 

It's not like you could, or would, meet him to inquire about the details of him knowing what only you should know, so the next best thing would be a letter. Well, just about the only thing you could do if you didn't want anyone else to know, right? As long as no one questioned why you were sending a letter to the prince, you were fine. 

So, you got out a letter paper and pen, thinking what you were going to write. Just like usual, you wrote an outline of what you were going to say, a common practice taught to all nobles. It would be great if you could just edit what you were writing, but that wasn't possible with pen and paper. After all, white out didn't exist, and that was such a shame. 

Dearest Prince Kenma,
         Let me introduce myself. I'm (f/n) of the dukedom (l/n). We have met before, at one of your mother's parties. I am one of the Queen's Candidates, and also your soulmate. I assume you have been told by the High Priest that you are soulmates with me, and I'm honored.  
       I intend to keep this letter short, as don't wish to occupy much of your time. I do not intend to be rude or nosy; I just wish to inquire as to how you know (y/n)- the girl who lived on Earth. You most likely have questions for me as well, and I will try my best to answer a few of them. 
      The girl started appearing in my dreams years ago. Through these dreams, I got to know her. I know her in and out; I can completely relate to her at this point. And by coincidence or not, both you and her boyfriend have the name Kenma. 
       I did say I was going to keep this letter short, and I keep to my word. Please do not feel obliged to reply; if you do not wish to, I completely understand. 
With all respects to the royal family, (y/n) (l/n). 

You sealed the letter with zxa wax stamp of your family's emblem and handed it to Elisa, telling her, "Please make sure this gets to the prince and only the prince." Elisa nodded and went to make her preparations, leaving the room. You sat back in your chair and sighed, awaiting a response. 

It was only a few days, less than a week, when Elisa came into your room with a reply. You hurriedly opened it and read it so fast you were basically skimming it, but you completely got him. He definitely didn't say much; it was actually shorter than yours, but you got everything implied by the information he gave. Your eyes lit up with the confirmation of him being just like you, who knew about the important things. 

You finally felt a connection to someone, a real, true connection. This was something that had never been shared before, and now that you have someone to share it with, it felt as if you already knew each other by heart. You smiled softly and held the letter to your chest. Quite the score, it was.


Over the next few weeks, you and Kenma exchanged many letters. The two of you talked about whatever events you could think of, along with random, trivial things. He soon became the person you could open up most to, and that was very special to you. 


Hello, Lili here, and I'm back! (from the dead???) I hope you're all doing well and I didn't take too long. I love ya all! <3

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