Chapter 1

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I stared at her, while Gizmo and Robin talked which usually ended up with us fighting the Teen Titans, and then us eventually getting locked up. Jinx and Billy were eager to fight, while Mammoth, See-more, and I waited patiently for the fight to ensue.

She had a scowl on her face. It wasn't terrifying to me. I wish she would learn to love me. I oftenly spied on her when she was in her room. One time, I saw the idiot of Beast Boy call her creepy, that made me angry. Who says creepy is bad, anyhow? To me, it was perfect.

Finally the fight ensued when Robin and Gizmo ended their talking. I, like always, disappeared and then reappeared in front of Raven. I wanted to make sure Mammoth or Jinx didn't lay a hand on her. She scowled her beautiful scowl and then wrapped an object in her black magic and threw it at me. I disappeared and then grabbed her from behind. I then did something I never had the guts to do before, I kissed her cheek.

She gasped, but the kiss only made her angrier. She pushed away from me, and then started to throw random objects at me. I ducked each one, and then appeared behind her again. I grabbed her, and pulled her closely to me. She struggled to get free, but had no chance. She gave me a look of pure disgust and hatred. While she was still struggling, I took my chance. I kissed her right on the lips.

"Kyd, what are you doing? You're supposed to fight her, not kiss her!" Gizmo yelled at me.

Raven struggled in my grasp.

"Raven!" Beast Boy yelled. "Get away from her, you idiot!"

Never, I thought in my head. Suddenly, I felt try horns ram into my side. I fell and lost my grip on Raven. She fell from the sky and landed with a loud thud. I tried to run to her, to help her, but Robin grabbed me and tied me up with my teammates.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Beast Boy grab her and check her pulse. He shook his head and then transformed into one of his green creatures, grabbed Raven, and then left. I stared after her, I felt responsible for her being in that form. I never knew that my kisses could destroy. I just wanted to show some feelings. My feelings towards her.

"Kyd, what did you do to Raven?" Robin ran up to me and grabbed my shirt.

I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders.

Robin scowled, then dropped me side Jinx, "The police are coming for you. Don't try to escape."

And like always the locked us up, and we broke out.

This is my first fanfiction. To be honest, I'm more of a BBRAE person, but then I looked at Kyd Wykyyd and was like I've never seen them two together. But don't worry, it'll all be okay.

Please comment or vote. If you don't I completely understand. I write these for fun. -Cristina_Lara99

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