The Chase prt.2

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a/n: i'm changing your weapon from a staff to a sword so yep
we started flying on appa again and i found myself drifting off. i could hear their conversation slightly but it was coming in and out.

sokka's pov:

y/n and i were both lying down on the saddle and in her sleep she moved closer to me and then she put her head on my chest. it shocked me but i let it happen. she was kinda cute if i'm being honest. scary. but cute.

your pov:

i was woken up by appa throwing us off his back and landing on his side.

"okay, forget about setting up camp. i'm finding the softest piece of land and falling asleep." sokka said
"me too." i said
"that's good because toph wasn't going to help anyways."

i whispered to sokka

"your sister is getting on my last nerve"
"she can do that."

aang then spoke up to toph and katara
"come on guys, there's something after us and we don't even know what.."

he pulled the top part of his shirt over his head
"or who it is."
"it could be zuko. we haven't seen him since the north pole"
"who's zuko" i asked

sokka put his head down, "oh just some angry freak with a ponytail who's tracked us all over the world."
"says the one with a ponytail." i said
"yea what's wrong with ponytails, ponytail."

sokka pointed to his head "this is a warrior's wolf tail."
"well it certainly tells the other warriors you're fun and perky."
"anyway, whoever's chasing us couldn't have followed us here, so, now would everyone just shhh!"
"yes sleep i like sleep." i said while closing my eyes

"no momo shhh...sleepy time"

i heard momo scurry over to the ledge. i looked up very tired and i saw momo chittering and his ears were raised. sokka birdied his face in his hands

"oh don't tell me.."
"that's impossible. there's no way they could have tracked us."
"i can feel it with my own two feet!" toph said stunned

aang ran to the edge with momo next to him

"let's get out of here." katara said nervously"
being calm aang said "maybe we should face them. find out who they are. who knows, maybe they're friendly."
"alaways the optimist"

we were now up and alert...well half alert

"it's those three girls from omashu!" katara said alarmed

we all got into fighting stances, i had my sword out while my switch blade stayed in the strap on my arm

"we can take them. four on three." toph said
"actually toph there's five of us."
"oh i'm sorry, i didn't count you. you know no bending and all."
"what about y/n"
"she's been fighting for 15 years and is trained."

i looked over and smirked

"i can still fight!" sokka turned to her filled with rage
"okay four on three plus sokka"

toph earth bender three columns but the lizard things leaped over the pillars and continued toward us

"well we wanted to find out who they were and we found out..."

katara and aang started fleeing

"now let's get out of here."

i ran with sokka and got on appa while toph earth bended a wall but one of the girls blasted through it. toph then launched herself onto appa

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