The Past

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Loki sat in his quarters, rocking back and forth; rubbing his hands on his knees. A help Asgardian walked into the room, wiping her hands on her apron.

"Sir." she said.

Loki got to his feet "How is she?"

The Asgardian looked down to the floor "Sir, she's gone."

Loki felt a lump forming in his throat. Turning to the wall, he hit it with so much anger and grief behind it, he took a chunk out of the wall. Looking up, out the window "What about my child?"

The Asgardian gave a small smile "Your children are with your mother."

Loki spun around, the shock plastered on his face "Where's my mother?"

The Asgardian pointed down the hall and Loki sped off. In the nursery, he found his mother and two babies.

His mother stood up and put a child down "Loki, Hattie had twins. Isn't that a surprise?"

Loki looked over his children; a faint smile plastered on his face. He felt tears rolling out of his eyes. His mother wrapped her arms around him, comfortingly.

"I know, Loki. She will be missed all around Asgard."

Loki nodded and walked over to his children. A little girl and a little boy. They both had Loki's eyes and the girl had a thick tuft of black wispy hair sprouting from her head. Loki picked her up and smiled.

"Your mother was in the right to name you Ella, wasn't she?" Loki said, making her laugh. Loki looked over at the boy "Little Emmett will grow to be brave. I know he will."

Loki reached out and stroked his thumb along Emmett's cheek. They were the most beautiful babies he'd ever seen and he knew just then, he must protect them at all costs.


Three days after Ella and Emmett were born, they were sitting on the floor in the twins room when the fun was interrupted by a loud <BOOM>. Loki stood up so fast, he almost fell backward. Catching himself, he scooped up his children and ran out into the hall.

He could not lose his children. Not now. Not after he just lost his wife. He ran into Thor, who was trailing his son, Dillan, behind him. He stopped and looked at Loki.

"Give me Ella and Emmett." Thor finally said.

Loki looked at him "No. Absolutely not. I am not giving you my children."

Thor looked out the window at the sound of another <BOOM> "Loki. It's the safest option for them. Midgard will be a place they'll never be found."

Loki looked at the twins once, before looking up at Thor "I'll take them there."

Thor looked at him "It's you their after. They could easily follow you."

Loki gave his brother a pleading look "Create a diversion, brother."

Thor looked at Loki before caving in. Loki, followed by his brother, ran out to the Bifrost. Dillan was still behind Thor.

Thor stopped at the Bifrost door "Dillan's going to Midgard, too."

Dillan looked at him "No. I don't want to go. I want to stay with you."

Thor looked at his son "I know, Dillan. I know. But it's not safe for you on Asgard right now." he looked up at Loki "Neither are Ella and Emmett."

Loki looked down at the children sadly. He didn't want to say goodbye to them, but it was the safest option for them.

Loki set Ella and Emmett in baskets on the floor and kissed each of their foreheads, before whispering to them "Daddy loves you."

He stood up as Thor gave Dillan a hug goodbye. Loki heard him say "I'll come find you when this all over."

Loki would've said this, but his children wouldn't even remember him when this was over. Dillan stepped onto the Bifrost and the guard started the bridge. After that, all three children were gone and Loki was left in the company of his brother.

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