Christmas Shopping - Sungchan

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"This way, Sungchan!" You waved over your boyfriend, who was perusing through the records in the music aisle. "We still have to get gifts for my nieces..." You mumbled, going through your Christmas list on your phone.

You were always the kind to stay on top of your Christmas shopping, not wanting to save it for later and add to the stresses you already had. This year was slightly different, though, now that your boyfriend had debuted in the group NCT, you had about twenty-two more presents to shop for. Sungchan insisted that you didn't have to, but you were so grateful for them for helping Sungchan feel like he wasn't an outcast in NCT that you couldn't help but want to show your appreciation somehow. Hence why you're out now, trying to get all of your gift shopping out of the way. Although it was a bit of a challenge, you only knew what the boys were like on TV, but you were novice at what they really liked.

Sungchan walked over, vinyl under his arm, and looked over your shoulder at the list.

"We need to buy how many toys?" He gasps.

"Relax, babe, I'm just getting basic stuffed animals for all of them, nothing too expensive," you laughed. "I just didn't want to show up at my aunt's empty handed, you know how they are," you nudged his side gently and laced your hand with his, dragging him throughout the toy store.

"Right, right, yeah. I remember the last time we showed up," he shivers slightly at the memory. "They're a bit rude, no?"

"Yeah, but they're family, so what can I do?" You grabbed various stuffed animals off of the shelf and put them into your basket. "Ah, this is good, they have a lot of different kinds of animals," you grabbed the otter and showed it to him.

"This kind of looks like Shotaro, doesn't it?" You giggled. You snapped a photo of it and sent it to the aforementioned idol. "I'll grab two so I can get him one too... That's one down and twenty-one to go..." You started typing away and Sungchan picked the phone out of your hand.

"Don't worry, I got this one, we can just split the costs," he fills out the list for you. "Got it. I've only heard of these in passing, but I think they'll appreciate these gifts."

"Are you sure?" You looked at the gifts Sungchan had listed.

"Of course I am!"

"Sorry, I just find it hard to believe that all Kun wants is a crockpot..." you scrolled down the rather mundane list of things.

"Seems that way, doesn't it?" Sungchan shrugs. "But I heard him talking about how he doesn't really have time to cook as much as he wants, so I figured why not get him something that cooks the whole day while he's out?"

"Sungchannie, you are a genius," you pinched his cheeks sweetly and went down the list again. "Alright, these are all doable. I'll probably have to pick up an extra shift though... I completely forgot about the fact that I had to get more gifts this year," you admitted.

"You don't—"

"Shh, I don't want to hear it. I'm buying these other twenty-two men gifts and you can't convince me otherwise," you teased. You grabbed onto the shopping cart and continued on your way around the store, Sungchan following close behind and picking up small items here and there that the Neos would appreciate.

He was a bit worried about you when he heard he was going to debut, to be honest. He was lucky enough that the media hasn't found out about you yet, and he genuinely thought that you were going to leave him after he debuted, but when you knocked on his door that morning asking him why he wasn't ready for your annual Christmas shopping, he silently reprimanded himself for thinking that way in the first place. He already knew it, but this Christmas was going to be a little more special.

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