Chapter 1 - together

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"I missed you so much!"

"Wowowow, take it easy."

"I'm just so happy" Brett hugged him even tighter. Eventually they went inside.

"So, the first video together after a long time? " 

"Yup! You know, it's really good to see you. '' Brett couldn't make kinda stupid smile off his face. "What are our plans today?"

"Probably some interesting memes. Dunno why people like it. I don't understand what's so interesting about it, they might as well watch this whole reddit themselves."

"It's just funny" 

"But we don't make it any funnier. Ah, whatever, let's get started." 

When they finished recording, they decided to practice together. They hadn't had the opportunity to do so for a long time and it felt kinda off. Both of them loved to play the violin, and even more to play it together. They complemented each other perfectly. The boys smiled closing their eyes. The end. They said nothing, letting the music ring out. And then they played again, if only better, to correct any oversights or impurities. Everything had to be perfect. Yes, it got better. Brett took a sip of his coffee.

"Well, I hear you practiced a little."

"And what better to do at home? Even my sister agreed to play with me, I think she really must have been bored, haha."

They spent the rest of the evening talking and catching up. They had so much to say. Although it's only been fifteen days since they last saw each other, it has been a long time for them. Since they lived together every day separately was strange. They got used tobeing together and could not imagine living alone. Therefore, two weeks seemed like an eternity and now they just couldn't get enough. They drank more coffee and discussed new ideas, new pieces, new films. They talked about what is happening in the world, what they feared of, what their hopes and expectations were...
An ambulance passed behind the window on a signal. Eddy looked into the night outside. Brett stared at his friend and once again wondered how lovely he was. Yes, that was the right word for it. Not that Eddy wasn't handsome, because he was very handsome, but there was something sweet and elusive about him. Brett couldn't tell what exactly, though. Just his Eddy. He looked a bit out of this world. Like he was from a fairy tale or another galaxy or..

'' Are you listening to me at all?"

''Hm? ''

"Eh, I can see that not. I asked what's up with your brother? "

"I guess nothing interesting. He's got school through the computer, he's doing pretty well. Only energy bursts him. At least we have a garden, otherwise it would have torn the whole house apart. " Brett yawned.

"We should probably go sleep"

"Yea, maybe.."

Brett went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He touched his shoulder, then remembered how they hugged earlier. He relived that touch, which made everything inside him explode with a million fireworks. He wanted to stay in that arms forever. Whenever he saw Eddy, he felt butterflies in his stomach. 

Brett, get over it. You know very well that you are just friends and let it stay that way. 
He went into the shower. The warm water washed away all fatigue from him, he felt light as a feather and vulnerable as a child. But it didn't bother him. As long as he knew Eddy was there, everything was fine...

"Well, what's up? " Eddy smiled at the sight of Brett in the doorway to his room. He looked adorable in blue and white pajamas.

"Can I sleep with you?" The other looked at the floor.

"Sure, come here. You're acting like a little baby, you know?

"Pff" Brett made an pouted face.

"Okay, okay, you're not acting."

"....... Good night. "

"Good night, Brett."


Eddy got out of bed and opened the window. For a moment he inhaled the scent of the night, this delicate, specific scent, as if everything fell after the whole day and covered the city with a quilt. He left the window ajar and lay down next to his friend. Brett's breath was a little whizling. He stared at his asleep face. I wonder what he's dreaming about now .... He rubbed Brett's nose and after a while he fell asleep. 


Hi everyone, thanks for reading this! I wonder if this is proper lenght for one chapter, it's quite long, idk. Hope u enjoyed it <333                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ~nanamisia

update: i cut off about 1/3 of this, it was quite cringe. still hope u liked it!

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