Chapter One

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(Y/N)'S POV:

"N-now see here sir-"

"No, I've had enough! Atlantis is not real. Your parents were insane. They will NEVER come back. You and that stupid book won't take you anywhere in life besides insanity. Now get out!"

I quickly grabbed my notes, following him. "But sir-"

My boss shoved me aside towards the exit. "We're not going through this again. You made a mistake, congratulations. Now go!"

I tripped on my shoelaces, making me fall forward and drop everything that was in my arms. I sighed and started to pick up the papers. "Sir, can you please listen to me...?"

My boss sighed, crossing his arms across his chest. "You have five seconds."

I quickly grabbed my papers. "Oh umm okay, well....Atlantis isn't at Ireland. It's in Iceland. I misread it the first time, and the letter was written oddly, that's why I made that mistake the last time, and-"

I stood up with all my papers back in my arms, continuing. "And that's why I wanted to tell you, sir."

Sir Harcourt sighed again, rolling his eyes. "Madam Dreamoak it's been 10 years. Your parents were going about this too. You're a very beautiful and intellectual person, but you don't need to waste it on something that's not even real. Go into engineering or writing and make children books about this imaginary world. It's time to stop this madness."

He shoved me outside, leaning against the door. "I'll give you later today and tomorrow to get your things. It's time for you to get out and find a new place to go."

I turned around, a little angry. "Are you seriously kicking me out of the-"

"People don't need to be surrounded by your nonsense."

"It makes sense to me!"

"You, Madam Dreamoak, graduated with the highest marks in your year. You need to find something besides this- this- rubbish to keep you in a straight line to a happy life."

He slammed the door and locked it, leaving me on the street. I blinked back tears and left, going to my parents' house. Many people turned their heads away from me or were suddenly too busy to say hello.

Hi I'm (y/n) (y/m/n) Dreamoak. I'm 28 years old currently, and I live in Fishkill, New York. My parents, Jen and Will Dreamoak, have been gone for 10 years, searching and trying to discover Atlantis. Everyone says that they're dead, but I disagree. I believe they're still out there. I want to find it myself, to prove that it's real and to make my parents proud.

I tossed my papers in a box by the door of my house and sighed softly, looking around. My house wasn't dirty at all, it just brings memories. I sat in the chair in the living room as my puppy ran to me, wagging his tail. "Hey there, Milo. How was your day?"

Milo barked happily and danced around, a thing he does when he's excited. I smiled and kissed his head. "At least you can make me smile." Milo laid down next to my feet, resting his head on my foot. I laid back into the chair, closing my eyes.

Yes, I named my puppy Milo. Milo is...or I guess was my best friend. We grew up together and did everything with each other, but after his grandfather died, I left and went back to my parents' house. Milo insisted I should've stayed, but the only thing I had was this house. I haven't heard from him in 10 years...he wouldn't recognize me anyways.

I stood up, making Milo sit up as well. I picked him up, nuzzling his nose with mine. "Let's go see an old friend of mine." Grabbing my bag and Milo, I locked the door and left.


"Why hello, dear (y/n)! Come in, come in, it's freezing outside."

I smiled as I let Milo down from my grasp and went inside. "Thank you Mr. Whitmore. I'm sorry for coming over at such a late notice." I took off my coat, hanging it on a nearby hook.

"It's not a problem at all. It's been a while since I've seen you. Last I've seen you, you had blonde pigtails and braces with glasses. You've glowed up for sure!"

I blushed in embarrassment. Oh yeah that's right. I had my glasses instead of my contacts...and my blonde hair. I played with my chocolate brown hair as he continued to talk as we walked to his living room. I dyed my hair and got my shit together after my parents left and Grandfather Thatch died. I ignored everyone at that time, even Milo Thatch.

"Oh Mr. Whitmore, that reminds me. I'm terribly sorry about ignoring you and Milo back then."

He sat down at the table by the huge aquarium. "Oh don't fret over that, it's been 10 years. Speaking of which..."

He stood up and grabbed a frame off a bookshelf. He gave it to me, smiling. "You were four at the time, and Milo was eight. You remember that time? When you first met Milo?"

"I don't remember that far back, but I remember Milo and Grandfather Thatch." I smiled, playing with my locket.

He softly smiled. "There's something I need you to do. You don't have to agree to it, but we already have all your things here and-"

I stared at him shocked. "What?? I just left my house!"

He took the photo out of my hands and led me to a room. Inside was a room bigger than my house, filled with all my stuff, including my things from work. I stood there in awe. Mr. Whitmore laughed. "Crazy right?"

I turned around, too shocked to say words. Mr. Whitmore took me back to the living room and sat me in front of the fire. "(Y/n), I need your help."

I snapped back into reality. "Of course, what's the matter, sir?"

He grabbed the photo of me, Milo, and Grandfather Thatch again and stared at it. "Remember how Thatch became an explorer?"

"Because he wanted to find Atlantis right?"

"He and I made a bet. The bet was that if he found the Shepherd's Journal, I'd fund a trip to go discover Atlantis. Unfortunately, he died before he could go on this trip."

I sat up, curious. "Did he find the Journal...?"

Mr. Whitmore placed the photo down again. "Of course he did, lucky guy. I'm willing to keep that bet, and that's why I've already found crew members and a ship. They're departing tomorrow."

My head was spinning with thoughts. This can't be happening. No no wait...Wait wait wait. Atlantis is actually real?? There's already a ship and crew?? Take that Mr. Harcourt!! I knew it wasn't real! But wait...Why does he need me?

"I don't completely understand...Why do you need me?"

He smiled and leaned against his cane. "Because (y/n), I need someone who can read and speak the jibberish."

I played with my heart-shaped locket again, in thinking mode. I looked up at him, my brown eyes shimmering with tears. "But why don't you get Milo to? It's his grandfather.."

"Because...well. Before he died, I talked with him. Sat with him. He and I shared our last handshake when he said he wanted you and Milo to go on this adventure. He believed you would be able to do it, and even though he's been gone, he still believes that."

My head sank down into my hands while I thought. He...believes in me. All those times I came up to him, talking...he listened. He understood, and he believed in me. He believed that my parents weren't crazy...

I stared up at him, smiling. "So...when do I meet the crew?"

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