Chapter 12: Love is in the Air

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The following evening, everyone arrived at the hotel well rested but sick of being on the road for so long. They had actually arrived earlier despite the delay since there was no traffic the whole way. Everyone grabbed their suitcases and went to their rooms to unpack. The boys opened the door to their room and five ladies screamed "Surprise!" to which Jin, Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, and J-Hope all dropped their jaws. The five ladies were all of their soulmates; Hayoon was Hobi's soulmate, Soomin was Jimin's soulmate, Young-mi was Jin's soulmate, Kwan was Taehyung's soulmate, and Yoon-suh was Jungkook's soulmate.

"Let me guess," Yoongi said, "Mi-Cha told you she was coming with us and you all wanted to come with us too, right?"

"Yes, that's exactly what happened. Where is she?" Hayoon asked.

"She wasn't allowed to come with us and neither will any of you," Yoongi told them.

"Oh so I'm assuming that means you also sent home Namjoon's soulmate," Kwan stated with a smirk on her face.

"We didn't send her home," Namjoon said.

"Then I don't see what the problem is," Yoon-suh said, "If she gets to be here, we get to be here too."

"Here we go again," Yoongi said as he threw his hands up in the air, "Didn't Mi-Cha tell you guys what happened?"

"The last thing she told us was this in the group chat we have," Soomin said. She handed her cellphone to Yoongi so he could read the message that said:

"I'm going to go visit Yoongi in America and I plan to stay with him during the remainder of their tour. I don't see the problem with any of you tagging along too. After all, if Namjoon's soulmate gets to be with them, we should be able to be with them too. I hope to see you all at their next city."

"So she never updated you guys about us almost breaking up and her getting sent home?" Yoongi asked them.

"You can't break up with your soulmate," Young-mi said.

"We didn't break up in the end but it got really ugly," Yoongi said.

"Well, since she didn't tell us what happened, you explain," Hayoon demanded.

They all sat around the ladies as they had been standing around in shock processing what was going on and Yoongi began telling them everything from the start. How Mary met Namjoon, why she was with them, how Mi-Cha threw a fit and was disrespectful to Mary, how she was sent home, the airport chase, and the make up.

"As she should," Soomin exclaimed, "Mary just got what she deserved by Mi-Cha telling her off."

"Soomin no, I know Mi-Cha is your cousin but she was wrong," Jimin said and then directed his attention to the other ladies, "She shouldn't talk to Mary like that, right ladies?"

The others avoided eye contact with Jimin and stayed silent without answering his question. Namjoon grew angry and yelled at them.

"This is unbelievable! You all think Mary shouldn't be here? Why? Is it because she gets to be on tour with us? Is it because she's not from a high class like all of you? All she and I want is to spend as much time together as we can before I have to go back to Korea and then only the universe knows when I'll see her again. We haven't even had much time alone given how busy the tour is keeping me with interviews, rehearsals, and sound checks left and right. Not to mention we can't even spend time together on the road due to lack of space. Do you know she was harassed because of being with me? She almost LEFT because of people like you trying to make it harder for us. I just...I can't with you ladies."

Namjoon collapsed on the couch and let out a long and loud frustrated sigh as he buried his face in his hands. The ladies all looked ashamed and nobody said a word. After several seconds of silence, Namjoon began to cry.

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