Part 1 The Blast

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A/N: Hello! This is my first attempt at writing, but my second time posting here. Hope you can enjoy it. I accept feedback because that's one of the ways to improve my writing. Citrus is the name of the agency, lame I know, lol. 

P.S. Shout out to my lovely friend @LadyWaanjai for the lovely cover. Check her out on Twitter, she has some amazing MG art edits. 

Edit: Thank you so much for reading this. I can't believe it has reached 600 readers in such a short time. This is truly amazing and I appreciate your time. I have other stories to complete or working on it right now. As soon I have the chance, I will make the chapters longer and add more details. After all, this is my first attempt to write a story.
Please, leave any comments, questions, or other ideas you may have. Once again, a thousand thank you. 🤗

Gulf knew he was in trouble the moment he realized that was not his phone on the car seat; when he tried to get it back and place it inside the protective case, it was too late. He yelled as loud as he could for everyone to take cover. Everyone scattered around the place like cockroaches after someone turned on the lights.

BOOM! Was the thunder-like booming sound everyone heard as a heatwave embrace them for a moment. When they were able to come to their senses, they scan the scene to have a better understanding of what happened. Everyone gasped and their eyes went back and forth directly to Gulf and Mew and vice versa, this lasted an eternity according to Gulf's calculation.

Gulf had blown Mew's favorite sport car by accident, but no one believed him. Mew's dark eyes were now scarlet red, according to Gulf. Mew's nose resembles a puffer fish by the way his nostrils move. "killing him is not a big of a deal, killing people is part of my daily job description". These were Mew's personal thoughts as he walked towards Gulf, fisting his right hand. Mew punched Gulf on his left side; Gulf felt the world turning upside-down. "I am dead, I feel like a leaf against the wind, there's no doubt that I am dead". Gulf heard a faint voice calling his name as he hit the ground, and everything went black.


Gulf opened his eyes and started to explore his surroundings. Gulf felt a sting sensation on his left cheek. He was still alive; he knows that because his left cheek reminds him of that. Dead people cannot feel this pain. The room smell of medicine which upset his stomach. It reminded him when he was younger living in Snow Hills Boarding School and Ms. Mya would send him to help in the infirmary as a punishment for mischiefs he did not commit even when he tried to explain it.

He did not know how long he had been in the clinic but he decided to enjoy his last moment alive by playing a video game. He knew that no matter how hard he try; he would feel the wrath of Special Agent Mew sooner or later. After a while his eyes became tired and decided to stop playing. Instead, he began to reminisce on the first time he met Mew at the agency and wondered why Mew felt this way about him from the beginning.

Gulf threw back his head and let out a contagious laugh that calls Mew's attention and everyone else as a matter of fact. Gulf was seating in one of the cafeteria tables, as his bad luck followed him, he was seating in Mew's table. Everyone knew that unless you were invited, no one could sit at the last table. Mew look closely at Gulf, the way he was immersed in whatever he was doing puzzled him. Mew started to walk towards Gulf, three steps later, he felt a heavy hand touching his right shoulder. He did not react because he's already familiarized with those heavy hands.

Mew: "Ah, Mr. Brass, I am surprised to see you down here at this time".

Mr. Brass: "Mew, how many times do I have to tell you, call me by my first name, you have earned that privilege many years ago".

Mew: "Mr. Brass, you are not only my boss, you are like a father to me. I can't ever call my father by his first name".

Mr. Brass: "Ah, never mind. I really would like to see you loosen up for a while. Come, let me introduce you to my nephew (pointing at Gulf), you know him, well, I talk about him all the time. He will be joining  Citrus starting tomorrow".

Mew look at Mr. Brass with surprised eyes. Yes, he knew about this nephew he mentioned all the time, but he never thought Mr. Brass would bring him to the agency. One of the things Mew hates the most in this world is nepotism; he has worked so hard to get where he is right now that knowing someone as this person playing with his phone is getting in so easy just makes his head spin. Mew and Mr. Brass began to walk towards Gulf, after two attempts to get Gulf's attention, Mr. Brass touches Gulf's head softly, this made Mew sick to his stomach even when he did not know why.

Gulf: "Uncle James! I did not know you were here. Is he here? Can I talk to him?".

Mr. Brass laughs at Gulf enthusiasm." Calm down little pup, he is standing right here, let me introduce you to the agency best secret agent. Gulf, this is Special Agent Mew. Mew, this is my nephew Gulf".

Gulf:" Nice to meet you Mr. Mew, I heard so mu-"

Mew: "I am S.A Mew, not 'Mr.' and by the way, you are at my table, no one sits here without my permission, not even Mr. Brass. I need you to get up now". Mew's tone of voice was a harsh and dry one. A heavy silent invited the place; everyone was looking at them and Gulf just wanted to be swallowed by a black hole. He hates drama the most.

Mr. Brass: "Ok, calm down you two, I think we are too excited to continue this conversation. Mew forgive my nephew; he is still adapting to the agency regulations; I am sure he did not mean to offend you".

Gulf: "Uncle James, why are you apologizing, this table was the only one empty and it do not have a 'reserved' sign on it. How the hell would I know it belong to him?" Gulf said the last part while looking at Mew up and down.

Mew: "You little-"

Mr. Brass: "Enough!!! I had it with both of you behaving like little kids, I expect this from Gulf, but from you Mew? What is wrong with you!? You know what? From now on, you [pointing at Mew] will be the one in charge of training my nephew".

M/G: "WHAT?!!" They both say this as they look at each other up and down with disgust expressions.

Mr. Brass: "That's right, I want for my two-favorite people [whispering this part] to work together and become best friends. No, you will be like two brothers that love each other very much. Do I make myself clear? Good, so good night boys, see you in the morning". As soon Mr. Brass walked away, Mew stayed still looking at Gulf.

Mew:" So, you need me to show you the way or you are getting the hell out of my table by yourself?"

Gulf:'' Mr. Mew, oops, no. S.A Mew. I am so disappointed in you, even if you look hot as hell in this outfit, your manners are another story. You can shove your table where the sun doesn't shine. Good night". Mew was stone as he heard those words coming out of Gulf's mouth. How can someone like him have such vocabulary?" Mew observed Gulf walking away and something, which he still does not recognize, made him feel uncomfortable, as soon as Gulf was far away, he began to feel himself again.

Author's comments: This is how I imagine Mew and Gulf during their first encounter. Plus Mew's favorite sport car.  Poor beautiful car.

  Poor beautiful car

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