Part 14 Thinking out loud

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A/N: Oh, boy, I finished! It was fun writing this AU, although it is my first one, and I was/ well, still afraid to attempt something like this. It was enjoyable and stressful trying to convey my ideas into the story, but I think I did it. Still a lot of things to improve, but everything is a process. Thank you so much for reading it and commenting, it helped me a lot.  A thousand thank you for encouraging me! 😊

Even though almost a month has passed, Gulf still feels Mew's presence everywhere he goes. He moved permanently into Mew's home. He used his old room as his own, even though he missed Mew so much that at times he feels he cannot breathe, he does not dare enter Mew's room. He remembers the first day he moved in. Mew told him to not come to his room. Gulf smiles remembering this because he finds it funny that he and Mew made love so many times before, yet he does not dare enter his room. Gulf feels he is disrespectful of Mew's wishes even when people keep telling him to accept the fact that Mew is dead.

After that awful event, Gulf wanted to at least keep his promise to Mew. He requested a month's leave from the agency and booked a flight to the Maldives. Gulf is seating at a restaurant, where he can see how the people interact with each other. People smiling, hugging, dancing, and walking holding hands. Vendors trying to capture the attention of the tourists that pass by. For many people, it is just an ordinary day, but for Gulf is the opposite. He feels uneasy since last night, that is why he woke up late.

When the waiter gives Gulf his breakfast, a blue envelope is placed on his left side. He opened it and wrote in a format familiar to him to provoke Gulf to tear up, tears began to fall off his blushed cheeks without him noticing. On that blue envelope is written: (Why does an orange have a friend as an avocado? ...Because they are both fruits. Just like us, we complement each other). Gulf does not look around; he just smiles at the horrible joke. Placing the envelope on his packet, Gulf began to eat his breakfast with a smile on his face. As he walks into the street, the smell of freshly baked bread with a mixture of fresh flowers invites him in...Gulf walks slowly, still smiling and remembering the time he had the most wonderful sex with Mew....

Mew and Gulf were eager to be together again. Gulf's mouth received the warmth of Mew's tongue as their warmth traveled between their bodies. Their hands were all over each other's bodies, traveling from hair, back, face, and hair again. It was like both of them had a great urgency to be together. As they completely abandoned any common words and let their mouths express the longing that had been mounting inside of them for weeks.

The kisses were different, it was not only lust but love that came out of it. Passionate, feeling each other, slowly sweet. They both moaned into each other's mouths. They understood each other's needs. Wasting no time, Gulf-was on his knees, his mouth watered for Mew's manhood. His whole body was shaking as if he had touched a live electric wire. When Mew felt the warmth of Gulf's mouth on his manhood, Mew let go of a soft moan, and it increased as time passed by, Gulf took this as a sign of approval.

Mew could not wait any longer, he needed it to take charge. He grabs Gulf by the arm and looking how goddamn sexy he looks with his messy hair, Mew kisses him again. He tosses Gulf on the bed, began to undress him by taking his shirt off. Mew was loving the scene unfolding in front of him. Gulf breathing was deep as he could not hold it any longer.... Gulf's phone rings, bringing him back to the present. It is an international number, he answered...

Mew: "Hello, love, I see you kept your promise. You really look lovely today. Love that smile on your face. I wonder what you were thinking about" While listening, Gulf is smiling, and tears come down his cheeks once again. He is looking around to see if he can find Mew around the crowd. Gulf moves his head to different directions until something calls his attention. He sees the only person capable of making his heart want to get out of his chest.

He could not believe that Mew was standing just a few feet away, he just needed to cross the street, and he would be embracing the love of his life. Gulf could not wait any longer; he started to walk fast, trying to avoid the other tourists. He just wants to hold Mew so tight and never let him go because the loneliness he was feeling all this time was too painful. Gulf is almost run over by a bicycle, only the sound of the bell prevented him from being hit. The moment has come, he is just in front of Mew, he could not believe it that after all he is alive, Mew is alive!! Gulf lost it when Mew touched his cheeks, Gulf cried so hard that people started to stare at them. Mew does not care that people are looking at them; he just wants to hold Gulf.

Mew: "I am sorry that I am late. I was severely injured and could not move, I was in a coma for 2 weeks. I ended up being swept by the current into further down from where the search party was. The villagers helped me recover, and when I was able to travel, I called the agency, well, I called you first, but you did not answer. Mr. Brass told me you came here so I will follow you. Sorry that I made you feel pain, my love."

Gulf: "Pain? Every day I felt like my life was meaningless, you left me behind. I felt lonely, with no sense of direction. That is why I decided to come here, trying to find a sense of all the things that happen."

Mew: "How can I leave you behind? Leave you alone? Because of you, I fought death many times. I wanted to be by your side, I dreamed so many times with you while I was recovering. You know why? Because you stayed by my bedside when I was crying, desperate and in need of someone in my life. You can understand my heart with just one look. Maybe the world has taken too much from me. But it gave me hope with you my love.

Gulf: "I am glad you are here with me now. By the way, how did you get this phone? I got it a few days back."

Mew: "Mr. Brass gave it to me after the rescue. I had to activate my tracker to be rescued, that is how deep down I was. Now, what is at hand; I am here to let you know that you are mine, and I will never let you go again." Mew kissed Gulf's forehead, nose, and then that lovely mouth that Mew misses so much. They looked at each other smiling and began to walk holding hands. Only the fainted voice of Gulf telling Mew one of his new jokes and Mew laughing about it could be heard. They got lost among the other tourists who are minding their own business. January 26th, 2019 was the date where they began to truly live their beautiful love life together as a couple. 

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