Part 11 You are my world

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Mew and Gulf were back at the agency and still yet no time to talk about their future, even when the agency does not prohibit agents from being together as a couple, is still frowned upon. They were debriefed about the rescue mission and how they still need to continue with the mission now that Mr. Douglas knows about them. Gavin is fine, Paul is still under observation to help him return to his normal self. Gavin is always next to him holding his hand to let him know that there is someone waiting for him. Because the Citrus agency knows how the Hunters operate, they set a trap to get them. Mr. Brass knows that the Hunters could not resist the temptation of stealing another device that can advance them to control the world.

Mr. Brass: "Tomorrow night is the day that we will have the gala. It will not be suspicious because we have it every year, the only difference is that we will auction the "Frame" which is the real frame used to hold the first code ever invented in the spy world. As you know this is like our bible and Mr. Douglas will not resist the temptation".

Miles: "I designed the frame myself, of course is the real one to the naked eye, but I added something extra just in case Mr. Douglas wants to examine it up close."

Mew: "I really do not want to know what you did; I want to know how we can trap all of them?"

Heather: "I did various scenarios and two are the best ones. To prevent the chance to have a double spy, I will give one scenario to you and Gulf and the other to Gavin and Miles. Unfortunately, Paul is still recuperating, and he won't be joining us on this one."

They all continue talking to tighten any loose ends, they need to make sure everything is perfect for tomorrow. The meeting is adjourned. Miles, Gulf, and Mew headed to the cafeteria. Mr. Brass asks Heather to stay for a moment to go over the details again.

Mr. Brass: Heather, I am worried about tomorrow. I know that Mew was in Italy and met Henry, but now it is different, I do not know how to explain it. I want for Mew to stay out of this one, but with Paul unavailable and me asking Mew to stand this one out will bring suspicion."

Heather: "Mr. Brass, since I found out by mistake that Mr. Douglas is the one who killed agent Mew's parents, I feel sorry for him. I know about his nightmares and how he thinks he is responsible for their death, it pains me. I think you need to tell him the truth before he finds out by someone else." At that moment, Mew was opening the meeting room's door because he left his cellphone there.

Mew: "Is that true? My parents did not die in a car accident?" His eyes were wide open and teary, but at the same time full of rage.

Mr. Brass: "Oh my, Mew what are you doing here son?"

Mew: "Answer me! What really happened to my parents? I will not leave this place until you tell me why you say that."

Mew was looking at Mr. Brass with such much pain, that Mr. Brass could not bear seeing him like that and decided to tell him the truth about his parents.

Mr. Brass: "Mew, please sit down. Your parents were good friends of mine, especially your mom Sarah. They were part of this agency, but as a secret mission, they were double agents. Henry, I mean, Mr. Douglas was in love with your mom and when he found out about her being a Citrus agent, he lost it. The day of the picnic on the lake, he had your parents with you in the car to have the accident. You were small and your car seat saved you from the crash. I am sorry I did not tell you before, but those were your mom's last words when she called me before she died. She wanted to keep you safe."

Mew is shaking from anger; his hold body looks like it is about to break. The scary thing is that he is still quiet, just tears coming down. Gulf and Miles entered the room because Mew was taking too long to return, so they also witnessed Mr. Brass confession.

Mew got up and started to walk, everyone followed him, calling him with no response. He stops for a moment and punches the wall making a big bloody dentition to everyone's surprise. He kept walking to his car, but Gulf stopped him and asked for the keys.

Gulf: "Mew, right now I won't pretend to know how you are feeling right now. Still I want to be with you, give me the car keys. I will drive you anywhere."

Mew: "Gulf, step aside, I don't want to talk right now. I want to be alone." Mew said this without looking at Gulf and holding the key very tight.

Gulf: "No! I told you that you will never be alone. I will be by your side no matter what. Now give me the freaking car key unless you want to fight me. Tell me where you want to go."

Gulf drove quietly for so long that he was afraid they would be stranded because the car would run out of gas. When he heard Mew faintly say that he wanted to go home. At home, Mew is still quiet, just looking around the house, looking and touching the furniture. Gulf stays behind to give him some space when suddenly a loud noise coming from the library calls Gulf's attention. He runs towards the noise and finds Mew breaking everything there. Mew went crazy with the pain; he wanted to kill Mr. Douglas. Gulf tries to calm him down and does not know how, talking to him is not working at all. Mew kept breaking everything, the books were flying all over the place. Gulf is still holding Mew but is not working, Gulf's only solution is to kiss Mew. Gulf kissed him with so much love that Mew reciprocated the kiss with a hint of passion, pain, and anger while his tears kept coming down. They both tasted the saltiness of the tears while they kissed. At that moment, Mew dropped down on the floor and held Gulf's waist while crying.

Gulf: "Mew, please calm down, I am here for you, I love you Mew, you are scaring me. Please, talk to me, I will help you get through this." Gulf says this with a broken voice while blowing himself to be at Mew's level.

Mew: "Gulf, why, why?! Why do I have to see the people that I love disappear from my life? I miss them Gulf, I truly do. I am always sheltering myself from pain but knowing how they die is the worst pain I can feel." Mew is holding himself to Gulf's shoulders and switching to his face. Mew's face truly shows how much pain he is.

Gulf: "I know love, I can see it. I see your pain and I just want to hold you tight and never let you go. I never felt something like this for anyone and it pains me seeing you like this." Gulf was holding Mew so tight as to protect him from the pain.

Mew: "Then hold me, don't ever let me go. You are the only good thing in my life, and I do not want to lose you. I need you to save me from this pain that is killing me inside. Stay with me Gulf, I do not want to feel alone anymore. I need you so much, it hurts Gulf, hold me and don't let go of me please." Mew kept crying for a long time and Gulf just let him cry, holding him silently. Mew and Gulf fall asleep on the floor surrounded by all the broken furniture and books. It looks as if the world is just a mess around them, but their love for each other is enough to shelter them.

The morning light coming through the glass window sends a message to Gulf, is already time to wake up. He looks around and Mew is not there with him. Gulf jumped up so quickly that he almost lost his balance. He opens the front door and sees Mew's car still there. Gulf sigh as a form of relief, he went to Mew's room and he was not there. Came down running and heard noises coming from the kitchen. He found Mew eating French toast and a Sunnyside up egg.

Mew: "Good morning sleeping beauty, come, there's enough for you too". Gulf looks at him with a skeptical expression as if he wants to examine the situation from now and last night.

Gulf: "Good morning, how are you feeling?"

Mew: "You want to know how I am feeling? I feel like everything that I knew about my life is a complete lie. All my life I struggle with my sleep because of the nightmares. Those nightmares follow me everywhere. You know what it feels to have a four-year-old thinking he is responsible for their parents deaths? For this reason, I come up with a decision. I will get my revenge..." Mew raised his hand to stop Gulf from interrupting him and for him to just listen. "...I know it will take all my willpower to do it, but tonight I will destroy Henry Douglas once and for all".

Gulf: "Ok, whatever you do I will support you. I always keep my promise, I will be with you no matter what happens." Mew smile at Gulf and offers him a piece of his own French toast with a smile.

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